Men's Masters

In 2024 Mentone Hockey Club will be fielding 4 teams in Hockey Victoria’s Men’s Mid-Week Competitions on a home and away ground basis.

Men’s Mid-Week Open Grade – Monday Night
2 x Men’s 45+ Grade – Monday Night
Men’s 50+ Grade  Wednesday Night

All four grades play their home fixtures at the Mentone Hockey Club, Keysborough (Mentone Grammar Playing Fields).

Hockey Victoria regulations allow individuals to play 45+ and/or 50+ for Mentone as well as representing their own club for weekend open grade play.

We are always on the lookout for new members at all skill levels so if you are thinking of playing Mid-Week Hockey please contact:

Men’s Mid-Week Coordinator – Mentone Hockey Club

Robert “Disco” Campbell

M: 0412 612 010

Email: MensMasters@MentoneHockey.Org.AU

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