
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

To complete Hockey Victoria registrations see below.

Welcome to Mentone Hockey Club for Season 2024.  We look forward to welcoming you to the 2024season either as a returning player or a new player.

To complete registration it is a two step process . 

One step is to register with Hockey Victoria/Hockey Australia and this includes your insurance for 2024.  This is important for those involved in the Indoor Club Champs, HV Summer Competitions and HV Academy's

Your Hockey Victoria/Hockey Australia registration must be completed, including payment, before you can participate in games or training.

The other step is payment of Club fees in full or via a playment plan via Majestri.  .

For many of you, that step has been completed already and Majestri has directed you to this page,  If you have started on this page, the Club will follow up to collect this years playing fees.   


To register for multiple clubs (i.e., a dual registration) in HV Outdoor, Club or Association Competitions and programs, select and register/renew with your primary club. Once completed, visit the registration page of your second club, select the age registration fee relevant to you, when you enter the payment phase, the HV fee will waive to $0.00. Complete the registration.

Note: if you are a dual registering into another club, select the same Full Membership option you registered for with your primary club. E.g., you registered for an Adult HV Registration Member (19 & Over) for your primary club, select the same full year option when renewing into your secondary club. This will correctly apply the HV/HA discount/deduction to your levy.

If you follow the Game Membership option when dual registering, you will be charged again. The flexible game option is not transferable across clubs.


If you are transferring from another club (including from interstate) please contact Dave Callander  at who will facilitate the transfer process.

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Use RETURNING MEMBER if you have registered in 2023, otherwise use NEW MEMBER.

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