



1. TITLE The title of the club shall be the Meningie Sailing Club Incorporated.

2. AIMS The aims of the club are:

(1) To encourage all water sports competitive and social.

(2) To improve water sport facilities on Lake Albert.

(3) To control and regulate activities on Lake Albert.


3. GENERAL COMMITTEE The management of the club and it's affairs shall (except in such matters as are by these Rules or any law required to be done in general meeting) be vested in a general committee consisting of the Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, Rescue Boat Captain, and 7 members to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.


4. MEETINGS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE The General Committee shall meet at least once every month and on such occasions as the executive deem necessary. Notice of any meeting of the General Committee shall be given to all members of the General Committee, setting out the time, date and place where such meeting is to be held at least three clear days before such meeting.


5. CASUAL VACANCIES In the event of any vacancies occuring in the general committee after the election at the Annual General Meeting a general meeting only shall have the power of filling same by electing the required office bearers.


6. EXPENDITURE OF MONIES The General Committee may expend the monies of the Club in such manner (not consistent with these rules) as will in their discretion best further the interest of the Club and the comfort and convenience of members and best promote and encourage the Aims of the Club, having regard always to the debts and liabilities of of the Club, and in particular may pay prizemoney and expenses of entertaining visitors, members and guests and may create a fund for the purpose of paying off or reducing the liabilities of the Club existing on thereafter.


7. REMOVAL OF OFFICER FOR MISCONDUCT ETC. The General Committee shall have the power to remove any Officer of the Club from his office upon proof of continued wilful neglect in the performance of his duties as such officer. Provided, however that such Officer shall have written notice from the Secretary or or other officer appointed by the General Committee for that purpose of the matters complained of, and received at least one weeks notice (written) of the General Committee's Meeting and of any adjournments thereof, at which such matters of complaint will be dealt with to enable such officer to prepare and submit in writing to the General Committee his reply to the matters so complained of.


8. DISPUTES In all disputes and in all matters referred to or dealt with by the General Committee (including interpretation and construction of any rule, regulation or By-Law of the Club) their decision shall be final.

9. PROTEST Protests shall be dealt with by a committee of four (4) members to be appointed by the General Committee as the case may require. This committee shall elect it's own Chairman who shall have casting as well as an ordinary vote. Any officer of the day who reports a breach is not to stand in judgement on his own report. He should give evidence in such a case and be subject to cross-questioning as any other witness. No member duly elected to a Protest Committee shall be entitled to sit in judgement on any protest to which he may be an interested party.


10. OFFICER OF THE DAY At a Committee Meeting held prior to any organised Club activity an Officer of the Day shall be appointed. The Officer of the Day to be responsible for the preparation of such activity and to have under his discretion all boats and people participating in the activities of officials.



The General Committee shall have power to appoint any member or members to act as Handicapper and shall be responsible for the conducting of the race programme.


12. PROGRAMME A programme of races shall be prepared by the General Committee at the commencement of the Club season.



a. All officers shall become vacant at the Annual General Meeting

b. All retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election.

c. Financial Senior Members only shall be eligible to vote and hold office

d. All offices to be Honorary.

e. The Chairman of all meetings shall have a casting vote.


14. AUDITOR There shall be one Auditor who shall be nominated and elected at the same time and in the same manner as all officers.


15. BY-LAWS The General Committee shall have the power from time to time to make By-Laws for the proper conduct and management of the affairs of the Club and such By-Laws shall have the same effect as these rules provided they are not opposed or inconsistent thereto.


16. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING A Special General Meeting may be called by the direction of the General Committee or the Commodore. The Secretary shall call a Special Meeting on receiving requisition to state the object of the proposed meeting and no other business shall be transacted, other than that specified in the notice convening such Special Meeting. Written notice of all Special General Meetings shall be given to all members at least seven days before such meeting.


17. QUORUM Three officers present, or via conference call, at a committee meeting shall form a quorum. Five (5) financial senior members present, or via conference call, at an Annual or Special General Meeting shall form a quorum. If after a lapse of half an hour after the time fixed for the meeting no quorum shall be present, it shall thereupon stand adjourned Ipso Facto to a time to be arranged on by the majority of those present so on from time to time until a quorum shall be presen


18. TREASURER'S DUTIES The Treasurer shall pay all accounts that have been passed by the General Committee and shall produce a financial statement at each General Committee and General Meeting. He shall keep proper records and other records as shall be required by the General Committee. At anytime upon the resolution of the General Committee the Treasurer shall produce the books for Audit within seven (7) days. He shall also produce at each Annual General Meeting a statement duly signed by the Club's Auditor of the Club's receipts and disbursement during the past season, a copy in full to be written into the Minute Book. All monies received by the Treasurer shall be paid into the Club's banking account and all cheques drawn on such account shall be signed by the Treasurer and either the Secretary or the Commodore.

19. ALTERATION TO RULES Any member wishing to propose any alteration or addition to these rules must give notice thereof in writing at a General Meeting stating the nature of the proposed alteration or addition, when if seconded, a ballot shall be taken at the next General Meeting and to affect the proposed alteration the number voting for it shall be at least double the number opposing it. No member having given notice of motion shall be allowed to withdraw it except by leave of the majority of the persons present at the meeting. Any amendment must be made and seconded at the time of giving of the notice and shall be subject to the ballot in all respects at the next General Meeting as the original motion.

20. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The Annual Subscriptions for the succeeding 12 months only shall be fixed by vote at the Annual General Meeting.


21. PAYMENT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS The Annual Subscriptions shall become due on the first day of October If any member should fail to pay by the 21st December the defaulter shall, at the discretion of the Committee cease to be a member.



(1) The Members of any Water Sport Club who visit the Club on any day for the purpose of Water Sport Activities with the Meningie Sailing Club Incorporated shall be honorary members of the club for that day.

(2) The officials of a club referred to in sub paragraph (1) hereof provided that the maximum number of such officials shall not exceed ten shall be honorary members of the club for that day.

(3) The Committee and/or Manager shall have power to elect as honorary members for any period not exceeding 2 months any person who is a member of an interstate Water Sports Club which is visiting South Australia.

(4) The name of the honorary member and the name of the club of which the honorary member is a member shall be recorded in a book known as "The Honorary Members Book".

(5) Honorary members shall enjoy all the privileges of ordinary members save and except as follows:-

     (i) Honorary members shall not be eligible to be elected as members of the executive committee

     (ii) Honorary members shall not be entitled to vote on any issues.

     (iii) Honorary members shall not be entitled to receive any notice required to be given to full members.

     (iv) Honorary members shall not introduce visitors to the club.

(6) Honorary members shall not be liable to pay any entrance fee or subscription.


(1) Life Membership. Honorary member for life awarded by Committee.

(2) A Senior Member is a person who pays full subscriptions.

(3) A Family Membership includes children under 18 years of age and entitles two adult members only to vote.

(4) A Junior Member is a person of less than 18 years of age. A Junior Member shall be entitled to all privileges of membership with the exception that he shall not be permitted to vote or hold any office; however, if a person less than 18 years desires to obtain senior rights and privileges he may be permitted to do so on payment of senior subscription.


25. EXPULSION OF MEMBERS Any member who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, conducts him/himself in a manner injurious to the character of interest of the Club, shall on a majority vote be denied membership for a period of 12 months.



(1) Every member shall be allowed to introduce visitors to the Club, subject to such regulations as sge committee shall whom time to time determine, provided that no person shall be introduced as a visitor who has been expelled from membership at a Water Sports Club or whose conduct or presence on the Club’s premises shall be considered objectionable to the interests of the Club.

(2) A visitor shall not be supplied with liquor unless in the presence of the introducing member and no member shall introduce more than one visitor on any one day.

(3) The date, name and address of the visitor shall be entered in the Visitors' Book.


27. MEMBER NOT ENTITLED TO CLAIM CLUB PROPERTY  No member shall be entitled to have any claims upon any portion whatever of the funds or property of the Club.


28. REMOVAL OF No member shall, without permission of the General Committee take from the Club's premises any article whatsoever the property of the Club.


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