
Australian Sailing


Australian Sailing recognises that privacy is important and providing personal information is an act of trust. Australian Sailing takes that seriously, and will manage your Information only in accordance with its Privacy Policy available at: https://www.sailing.org.au/about/privacy-policy/

Individuals must promptly advise their Affiliated Club of any change of name, address or other relevant identification and contact details, either in writing or electronically.

Individuals acknowledge and consent to Australian Sailing’s use of their personal information for the purpose of sending electronically or by other means, newsletters from Australian Sailing and Affiliated Clubs, which may include information of sponsors or other third parties.

Martha Cove Yacht Squadron Inc.

MCYS Membership Application

Registering for membership of Martha Cove Yacht Squadron (MCYS) is also registering for membership of Australian Sailing, of which MCYS is an affiliate club.

By registering. applicants declare that the information they provide in their membership application is true and correct in every particular, and that they agree to be governed by the MCYS Constitution and By-Laws. All applicants must be approved for membership by the MCYS General Committee.

If you do not have a Proposer or Seconder to support your application for membership, please send a letter outlining your boating background and interest in MCYS to membership@mcys.com.au or post to MCYS Membership, 2 Pickings Road, Safety Beach, 3936. Applicants who already hold Senior or equivalent membership of another Australian Sailing affiliated club do not need a Proposer or Seconder on providing proof of membership in their other club. 
