Nav Course Marks
Nav Course Marks
Check back in future for updated list of marks.
MCYS Nav Rally MARKS | 18/01/2025 | |||
GPS Coordinates (Set your chart plotter to display d.d format for position) | ||||
South | East | |||
Mark | Latitude D.D (Decimal Degrees) | Longitude D.D (Decimal Degrees) | Description | |
BYS 0 | -38.35441 | 144.77608 | Blairgowrie Yellow Buoy 0 off NE corner Marina | |
BYS 5 | -38.36019 | 144.81877 | Blairgowrie Yellow Buoy 5 NW from Rye Pier | |
BYS 6 | -38.34382 | 144.82291 | Blairgowrie Yellow Buoy 6 in Capel Sound | |
MCYS VM MP | -38.28912 | 144.95943 | John's MCYS Virtual Mark well off Martha Point | |
R1 Mark | -38.27452 | 144.97266 | R1 Recreational Mark Yellow Cone | |
SOR 10 | -38.35558 | 144.78308 | Sorrento Club Mark 10 east of Blairgowrie | |
V2 CM19-HV | -38.33681 | 144.90947 | Virtual 200m SE CM 19 Transit Hovell Pile 319 T | |
V2 CM21-HV | -38.32444 | 144.92804 | Virtual 250m E CM 21 Transit Hovell Pile 264 T | |
V2 CM23-24 | -38.31437 | 144.93442 | 200m SE CM 23 Transit CM24 299 T | |
V2 CM25-24 | -38.29856 | 144.93581 | 200m E of Channel Mark 25 Transit CM 24 270 T | |
V2 DMF-NEE | -38.30329 | 144.97958 | 200m E of Mussel Farm NE Transit NW Corner 271 T | |
V2 DMF-NEN | -38.30135 | 144.97723 | 200m N of Mussel Farm NE Transit SE Corner 181 T | |
V2 DMF-NWN | -38.30128 | 144.97231 | Virtual 200m N DMF-NW Transit SW 181 T | |
V2 DMF-NWW | -38.30309 | 144.96983 | Virtual 200m W of DMF-NW Transit NE 091 T | |
V2 DMF-SEE | -38.30725 | 144.97948 | 200m E of Mussel Farm SE Transit SW Corner 271 T | |
V2 DMF-SES | -38.30903 | 144.97711 | 200m S of Mussel Farm SE Transit NE Corner 001 T | |
V2 DMF-SWS | -38.30896 | 144.972 | Virtual 200m S DMF-SW Transit NW 001 T | |
V2 DMF-SWW | -38.30714 | 144.96976 | Virtual 200m W of DMF-SW Transit SE 091 T | |
V2 DROMANA | -38.32601 | 144.96117 | 200m off Yellow Pole Transit Dromana Pier 156 T | |
V2 MCCRAE | -38.34052 | 144.92796 | 200m N Yellow Pole Transit McCrae Tower 180 T | |
V2 MMF-NEE | -38.23220 | 145.02002 | Virtual 200m E of MMF-NE Transit NW 271 True | |
V2 MMF-NWW | -38.23185 | 144.99648 | Virtual 200m W of MMF-NW Transit NE 091 True | |
V2 MMF-SEE | -38.24039 | 145.01979 | Virtual 200m E of MMF-SE Transit SW 271 True | |
V2 MMF-SWW | -38.23983 | 144.99608 | Virtual 200m W of MMF-SW Transit SE 091 True | |
V2 ROSEBUD | -38.34687 | 144.90581 | 200m off Yellow Pole Transit Rosebud Pier 162 T | |
V2 Yellow 3 | -38.31503 | 144.97954 | 200m off Yellow Pole 3 Transit Dunns Creek 125T | |
V2 Yellow 7 | -38.31959 | 144.97345 | 200m off Yellow Pole 7 Transit Sheepwash Creek 137 T | |
V2 Yellow2 | -38.31359 | 144.9819 | 200m W of SB Jetty Transit 84 T | |
V3 ANTHONY | -38.33515 | 144.94022 | 300m off Northern Yellow Transit Anthony's Ramp 150T | |
V3 MMF-NEE | -38.23224 | 145.0211 | Virtual 300m East of MMF-NE Transit NW 271 T | |
V3 MMF-NWW | -38.23182 | 144.99516 | Virtual 300m West of MMF-NW Transit NE 091 T | |
V3 MMF-SEE | -38.24039 | 145.02094 | Virtual 300m East of MMF-SE Transit SW 271 T | |
V3 MMF-SWW | -38.23981 | 144.99496 | Virtual 300M West of MMF-SW Transit SE 091 T | |
V3 TOOT Yellow | -38.36032 | 144.84872 | Virtual 300m off Yellow Pole at Tootgarook | |
V3 YELLOW 7 | -38.31893 | 144.97279 | 300m off Yellow Pole 7 Transit Dunns Creek 137 T | |
V3 YELLOW3 | -38.31445 | 144.97824 | 300m NW Yellow Pole 3 Transit Dunns Creek 125T | |
V4 MMF-NN | -38.22794 | 145.00826 | Virtual 450m N of MMF-N Transit S 181 True | |
VM CM19-HV | -38.33816 | 144.91103 | Virtual 400 m SE CM19 Transit Hovell Pile 319T | |
VM CM21-OUT | -38.32789 | 144.92905 | Virtual SE CM21 Outside Port Limits | |
VM CM23-OUT | -38.31704 | 144.94177 | Virtual SE CM23 Outside Port Limits | |
VM CM-25-OUT | -38.30664 | 144.95473 | Virtual SE CM25 Outside Port Limits | |
VM LIM McCrae | -38.33501 | 144.92039 | Virtual Outside Lim McCrae Bearing Tower 150 T | |
VM R0 NE | -38.28972 | 144.97629 | Virtual NE of R0 Special Fishing Spot | |
VM R0 Special | -38.29131 | 144.97359 | Virtual R0 Special Purpose | |
VM ROSE-HV | -38.34037 | 144.90335 | Virtual Rosebud towards Hovell Pile 343 T | |
VT MM Bridge | -38.25863 | 145.0033 | Virtual 1300m off MM Bridge Transit Yellow1 123 T | |
VT MM Tower | -38.26632 | 144.99629 | Virtual MM Tower Transit Yellow3 093 True | |
VT PARK RD | -38.27637 | 144.98694 | Virtual 1100m off Pillars Transit PARK RD 150 T | |
Yellow 4 | -38.31796 | 144.97923 | 4th Yellow Pole South of Martha Cove Entrance | |
Transit Reference Marks | ||||
McCRAE Tower | -38.34786 | 144.92737 | Lighthouse Tower McCrae | |
SB JETTY | -38.31274 | 144.99082 | End of Safety Beach Jetty | |
Hovell Pile | -38.32741 | 144.89867 | Hovell Pile eastern tip of Great Sands | |
Dromana Pier | -38.33057 | 144.96388 | Dromana Pier Red Light | |
Rosebud Pier | -38.35147 | 144.90784 | Rosebud Pier Red Light | |
Dunn's Creek | -38.31866 | 144.98625 | Bridge over Dunn's Creek at Safety Beach | |
Sheepwash Creek | -38.32434 | 144.97916 | Bridge over Sheepwash Creek at Safety Beach | |
TOOT Yellow | -38.3634 | 144.8493 | Yellow Pole off Tootgarook |