Members PLEASE Read about your Affiliated Insurance Cover.
Player/Member Insurance From Midwest Marlins Club Committee As a Club group, Midwest Marlins takes the duty of care of its members and that off accident or damage to themselves occurring while training, playing, traveling to play as the highest of priority and another amazing benefit of Affiliation is the insurance cover.
Just a friendly reminder that if you are commencing training this week and are yet to register that you are not covered until you have registered on RevSPORT.
More Affiliated Insurance information below:
All affiliated members of Softball WA are afforded insurance under Softball Australia’s National Insurance Program. Insurance is provided on annual basis in line with the Annual Membership Period (1st October to 30th September each year), upon registering and making payment of the individual registration fee with an affiliated club or association.
For those who play all year round, the individual registration fee will be required to be paid in the first formal competition season (October to March), however, will not be required to be paid in the second formal competition season (April to September).
Those registering for the first time in the second formal competition season (April to September) and then choose to play in the first formal competition season in the following Annual Membership Period (ie. October to March), will be required to pay the registration fee upon registering the first time (April 2020 to September) and will also be required to pay the individual registration fee for the October to March competition season (given the commencement of a new annual membership period). However, should they play in the April to September the following season, they will not be required to pay the individual registration fee again for that season.
Should an individual be registering in the same formal competition season with two separate affiliated clubs, the individual registration fee will be charged to the ‘Parent’ club and a permit will be required to participate with the ‘second’ (permit) club.
All individual members who are either a player, official (scorer, coach, umpire), off-diamond (volunteer, staff and/or on the Board/Committee of Management) will be covered as long as they are registered with Softball WA through the RevolutioniseSPORT online Registration System or through an alternative method that has been approved by Softball WA.
For more information about the National Insurance Program, including levels of cover, policy documents, the certificate of currency or making a claim, please visit the V-Insurance website.
Should you have any queries about the Annual Membership Period or Permits, please contact us.