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Safety & Sea Survival Course - Register of Expressions of Interest
Register of Expressions of Interest

Are you attending this event?

Basic details

Additional information

Please provide your email address and telephone number to allow us to contact you with information about course availability

Max. 255 characters

Event Waiver

In undertaking practical drills run by Marine SafetyWorks, I acknowledge that:

  1. I attend the activity entirely at my own risk and must exercise due care to ensure my personal safety and that of others
  2. I must follow any directions or advice affecting my safety given to me by the instructor or instructors
  3. I will conduct myself in a safe and responsible manner for the duration fo the time that I am in the course sessions or on course premises
  4. I will not interfere with any property belonging to another person without being given express permission to do so by a person authorised to do so
  5. I understand that Marine SafetyWorks will indemnify me for injury only when proven liable by law
  6. I will abide by all rules as set down by Marine SafetyWorks for the course