2025 Membership Fees


Calisthenics Association of WA (CAWA) sets an annual affiliation fee, which is required to be paid upon annual registration with the club.

Payment of club fees are due in full by EFT only within 2 weeks of joining.

An invoice will be supplied on confirmation of enrolment with payment options. If needed, a written agreement for part payments via direct debit can be arranged with the treasurer. If needed, a written agreement for part payments via direct debit can be arranged with the treasurer. For all fee enquiries, please email majestictreasurer@hotmail.com 

Sparkles (3-5yrs)

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4


Membership Fees






Fancy Costume

$30 deposit

$20 est. balance




CAWA Affiliation






Term Payment 







Sub Juniors (6-10yrs)

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4


Membership Fees






Fancy Costume


$50 deposit

$20 est. balance



CAWA Affiliation






Term Payment 







Juniors (11-13yrs)

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4


Membership Fees






Fancy Costume


$50 deposit

$20 est. balance



CAWA Affiliation






Term Payment 







Intermediates        (14-17yrs)

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4


Membership Fees






CAWA Affiliation






Term Payment






*members responsible for purchasing own fancy costume

Seniors    (17yrs+)  Non Competing

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4


Membership Fees






CAWA Affiliation






Term Payment 




*members responsible for purchasing own fancy costume

In addition to Term Fees - Affiliation Fee

The Calisthenics Association of WA Inc (CAWA) requires that all of our members are Affiliated with them.  This ensures that all of our members are covered by CAWA insurance, without which our members are unable to participate.

Included in the term fees are the following:

  • Coaching fee
  • Hall Hire (portion)
  • Club costume hire for all items except Fancy, for August & September Competitions, and Family Concert
  • Makeup, hair consumables and individual applicators for Competition and concert days
  • Competition Entry fees
  • Props for items
  • Fancy costume purchase deposit (may require a small additional charge) (Sub-Junior and Juniors Only)
  • Trophies/Prizes/Rewards and Administration costs
  • Annual Club camp for members

New members to Majestic Calisthenics will receive the first two classes free of charge.

Majestic Calisthenics is registered for the Kidsport Program with grants of up to $500 per child available for eligible families. Please ensure the application is loged within the week of joining as there will many other families from other sporting clubs applying and grants are limited.

What else do I need to buy?

All girls from sub-Junior through to Senior must ensure they have the following items.

  • Black Leotard for training (coupled with legging, bike shorts, cross over tops etc also in black)
  • Club Jacket (compulsory for events and representing the club) (can be purchased from online shop or check with team management for available stock on hand)
  • Clubs - $30 (these will be measured and ordered by your team manager)
  • Rod - $4 (these will be measured and ordered by your team manager)
  • Training skirt - $50 (available through our club management team)

(Clubs, Rods and training skirt are required by week 3 from joining.)

And to be ready for Competitions, girls from Sub-Junior  through to Seniors will require:

  • Flesh-toned body suit

Intermediates and Seniors are required to purchase their own fancy costume at an additional cost (approximately $90 - $120).




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