Become a Member

Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

If you are renewing your membership details please "renew" if you are new please "register".

Thank you for joining Maccabi WA where the benefits of your membership are enjoyed not only by you but our whole community.

Full Players Membership of $77 (inc GST) and Senior Membership of $55 (inc GST) per annum allows;

  1. Booking of all facilities when they are available
  2. Includes insurance whilst you are participating in any Maccabi sport
  3. Allows voting rights and the ability to be on the committee of your club
  4. Gives you affiliation to Maccabi Australia
  5. The ability to participate in Carnival, interstate challenges and international competitions. 

Friends of Maccabi of  $55 (inc GST) per annum allows;

  1. Booking of all facilities when they are available
  2. Includes insurance whilst you are participating at our facilities

Family Membership of $350 for 5 family members  ( inc GST) per annum

Membership to Maccabi WA  supports your club in offering administration services including advertising, PR, and events, and the use of our facilities for training and games.  Full membership  also  helps us keep our facilities in 'tip top' condition at all times with clean and neat change rooms, rubbish free outside areas, and manicured ovals and gardens, which hosts the Harry Gunzburg and Bensusan Family playground and Falafel Omisi.

Our 2023 Membership Guide has many more benefits and offers for members- please click here to view


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