Social Sport Gala Day


Sun 17 Jan 2021 10:00AM — 4:00PM

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Maccabi presents its first ever social sport Gala Day! Over the course of Sunday the 17th January, teams of 8-10 people will play four different sports: Netball, Soccer, Touch Football and Ultimate Frisbee. The event will be an awesome opportunity to test your sports skills while making connections with other young Jews in the community!

Any questions? Contact Jodi at


Who is Maccabi Social Gala Day for?

The gala day is for any young adults aged 18-35 from across the Jewish community.

How many players per team and does it have to be a mix of men & women?

Each team needs to have a minimum of 4 female and 3 male players, and up to 10 players in total.

What if I sign up as an individual?

If you would like to be involved and want to be included in a team, and sign up as an individual, we will organise a team for you and let you know prior to the day. We will also introduce you to the team on the day. Don’t worry, everyone is super friendly and we love seeing new faces!

When is the Maccabi Social Gala Day?

Sunday 17th January from 10am until 3pm with a BBQ following the sport. There will be gaps in between to chill and take a break between the sports.

What sort of sports program will be put together for the day?

Teams will face off in social games of Touch Football, Netball, Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee and rotate among them throughout the day.

Will this event be COVID-safe?

Yes, all activities during the gala day will be Covid-safe, adhering to NSW Health guidelines & safety policies. Social distancing will be promoted and limits set on number of people gathering in groups across designated areas in any given facility. Hand sanitiser will be provided at all events.

All activities are planned with sign-off from Council or other governing bodies for facilities being used. There are numerous other Covid safety policies that will be in place, with more details to be shared later.

First Aid - There will be designated First Aid kit at all the sports fields.

Wet weather policy – the gala day will be called off on the Saturday night prior to the gala if it is looking like a rain out.

Is all food provided Kosher?

Yes, all food and/or meals that are provided will be kosher.

How much will it cost?

Your $50 ticket will include a BBQ, drinks, and snacks. Extra water, sunscreen, hand sanitiser and first aid will be available on the day.