
ELITE Squad: Tuesday 7th July
Tue 07 Jul 2020 18:30 — 20:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


QUALIFICATION: Players that have been deemed high enough standard to compete with every other player in the squad have been invited (this group is invite-only). The squad consists of 12 players who meet this requirement, although we do not expect the session to have the full 12 present. If it is deemed necessary to fill available positions according to the activities planned, the emergency list will be sourced. The players participating in the elite squads must have played in Nationals or have been deemed as grade 6 mens or grade 3 womens pennant standard or higher by the high performance team.

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of having an elite squad, will in essence, improve the skills of high level tennis players inside Latrobe Tennis Club. The aim of this elite squad will attempt to enhance a players skill and development through match play, multiple drills and feedback/reflection. This will focus on the growth of technique, match strategy as well as the fitness and flexibility in tennis players.

WHAT WILL THE SESSION INCLUDE: Sessions will be organised by high performance members. Members of the high performance team will organise, plan and carry out a session before the start of each squad. However, the players included in the elite squad will also be asked on what areas they would like to improve/focus on before the establishment of these squads. Each elite squad will involve a great deal in match play, hitting and specific drills catering to development skills and fitness. Organisation: A creation in a Facebook group chat/ or page composed of all elite squad members will be formed to help maintain succinct and organised sessions each week. As well as offering an opportunity for open communication for feedback on how the sessions are running and what could be done to further benefit the involved players

WHY IS THIS SESSION IMPORTANT FOR THE CLUB AND WHAT ARE ITS BENEFITS: The implementation of this elite squad session will supply assistance in: Providing high level tennis practice for tennis players of high skill in the tennis club. This will allow for the opportunity of receiving feedback from players of similar skill level. This will be a big focus as it is not something that is regularly exercised. This session will also promote an interest towards players who aren’t part of the club, but wish to receive practice among high level players. With this session, it will provide Latrobe Tennis Club a finer opportunity at representing La Trobe University in external competitions such as Intervarsity and Nationals.



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