Fun Social Skate from Kangaroo Point Cliffs Park, South Brisbane

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Hi Everyone,

There will be a social fun skate open to all roller speed skaters leaving from the Kangaroo Points Cliffs at South Brisbane starting at 10.00am finishing at 12.00noon. What you will need is your helmet, protective gloves, optional additional elbow & knee protectors and your skates. May I suggest you use road wheels (firms) for roll comfort (optional). Please bring water in an easy to carry plastic water bottle, sunburn cream, optional sunglasses and some money as we may end up at one of the coffee shops for lunch at South Bank after the event, and comfortable clothes to skate in.

You must be a current financial member of Skate Queensland/Australia to participate. If you have any questions please feel free to call me on 0418 727 237.

Parents may like to ride their push bike with their children if not skating.

Please note that the pace will be slow as this is not intended as a race or speed training but a FUN! Social Skate. You do need to register so we know who is coming please. Cost - FREE!

Steve - President.

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