Enquire today for Winter Softball!
Published Sun 04 Feb 2024
Enquire today for Winter Softball!
Competitive or non-competitive softball available.
Season: Sunday 7th April–Sunday 25th August 2024.
We are offering a Women’s money competition for A Grade, B Grade and prizes for C Grade.
Men’s will be an adjusted competition to allow more junior boys to take part.
Contact or 0450 070 477 for more information
Juniors ages 5-16 cost $60.00 for the season (Logan registered)
Seniors ages 17-80 cost $200.00 for the season (Logan Registered)
Enter a full team of permit players (seniors) $1,500.00, plus $100 Ground Fees
Enter a full team of permit players (juniors) $250.00, plus $50 ground Fees
Permit Officials $25.00 each