
Workers Teams off to a Good Start

Published Fri 28 Oct 2022

With our first competition game under our belts, there was much to be joyful about.

Falcons recorded a 7 – nil win against Byron Allsorts after Byron forfeited due to a lack of players.  However, Dale’s Turkeys, with a little bit help from Falcons, pulled off a last-minute win in a tight great game against Rous Rangers by 10 runs to 8.

Rous attacked in the first innings with lead of batter Hayden Grove hitting over the infield to reach 3rd base. Workers Jacinta McDonald caught a high fly ball for the first out with the next batter making first base.  A massive homerun to Ashlen Mathie saw Rous score three runners.

Lyn McDonald got Workers second out throwing Rhianna Browning out at first.

 A two-bagger each to sisters Esther Denning & Rebecca Fletcher and a safe hit to Lauren Fisher saw Rous score a furth 2 runs before 3rd base player, Kate Foster, tagged out Fisher off the base.

Turkeys had a short innings at bat.  Lead off batter, Kobi Forrester, reached firstbase on a walk but was caught up in double play, when Olivia Roberts was caught at centrefield by Katie Robinson.  Tina Foster made first on a safe hit to rightfield but was tagged out at home by Grove for the 3rd out.

Workers restricted Rous to one run in the second with pitcher, Tina Foster throwing lead-off batter Quinn Nichols-Fisher out at firstbase and striking out two batters.

Through disciplined batting, which is not like them 😊, Turkeys clawed their way back into the game. Hits to Tina Foster and a 2-base hit to Roberts saw Workers score 6 runs.

Rous scored two more hits in the top of the 3rd innings off the bat of Denning and Lauren Fisher. Turkeys’ shortstop, Ali Tomkins, combined with Katie Foster at 3rd base to retire the lead runner for the first out, followed by a strike out to Tina Foster and brilliant throw by Kate Foster, just missing her sister Tina, to the safe hands of Jane Brown on 1st base.

Workers remained scoreless at their turn at bat giving Rous an 8 to 6 lead.

Turkeys gave one more push in the field and were rewarded by keeping Rous scoreless.  Tina Foster again controlled from the plate striking out Browning.  But it was an unbelievable catch by 11-year-old Kobi Forrester that had the crowd cheering - pulling the ball in from behind him for the second out.  A blistering line-drive from Fletcher down the thirdbase line was snatched up by Kate Foster for the final out.

Pitcher Ashlen Mathie, who had performed strongly though out the game, was now starting to tire walking Worker’s lead-off batter. A fly ball to Browning at 2nd base gave Rous their first out.   Walks to Workers next three batters saw Turkeys level the score at 8 all. 

With minutes to spare, a hit to the pitcher from Erin Rucker and with Brown moving back & forth down the line on thirdbase gave her enough time to cross homeplate while Mathie elected to throw Rucker out at first for the second out, but Turkeys now lead by 9 runs to 8.  A hit by Lyn McDonald saw Turkeys scored another run before time was called giving them a 10 – 8 win.



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