
Our teams show a return to form

Published Tue 22 Nov 2022

Both our teams showed a return to form, after last weekend’s games, with a win and loss on the weekend.

Dale’s Turkeys had a nail biting game when they took on Casino Cougars.

Workers sent Casino into bat and lead off batter, Ella Keep came out firing hitting through to rightfield to get on base.  A fly ball to Turkeys pitcher Tina Foster accounted for the first out, followed up with secondbase, Erin Rucker, throwing Deidre Coe out at first.  An error in the field saw ten-year-old Edward Shields reach first and pushed around to second base off the bat of Deosha Berry.  But if was massive homerun from Jade Popp who found the gaps to score four runs before Oliver Shields was thrown out at first base by Foster.

Turkeys lead-off batter, Shay Kelly, retaliated by clearing the infield and advanced to secondbase on a safe hit from Ali Tomkins.  Foster slammed a line drive down the thirdbase line into the safe hands of Deidre Coe for the first out.  Jane Brown scrambled to first base when her fly ball hit the ground after creating confusion in Casino field over who would take the catch.  With four runs across the plate, Lyn McDonald was thrown out at first by Cougars pitcher, Emma Shields to end the innings.

Workers hit the lead with a huge hit by Tomkins to give her team a two-run buffer at the bottom of the second innings.

With injuries to Worker’s catcher Lauren Forrester and Brown, who were replaced by nine-year-old Talon Forrester and his eleven-year-old brother Kobi to keep Turkeys on the field.

Tight fielding by both teams saw Casino score a run when Pop stepped up to the plate and slammed a three bagger through centrefield and score off a hit from Mikayla Coe, before the Worker’s pitcher together with catcher Oliva Roberts struck out Oliver Shields followed by a fly ball catch to Kelly at firstbase and a throw out from Carmen Thomas at third base to first to end the dig. 

With only one run difference between the teams at the bottom of the fourth innings, the intensity of the game increased.

Deidre Coe took over the pitching duties for Casino. 

Cougars went into bat and were shut out without scoring with Thomas and Tomkins combing together to retire Eddie Shields and each getting a out to send Casino back out onto the field.

Not to be out done, Casino kept Turkey scoreless despite hits from Foster and Kobi Forrester.

Going into the fifth and final innings, Workers still held a one run lead.

Oliver Shields started Casino’s attack laying down a brilliant bunt and racing to first base, but scored after a wild throw to first base, in an attempt to get him out, run out to the outfield.

With the scores now locked at 8 all, Turkeys responded by getting the next three batters out.

Tomkins was first up to bat and was sent back to the dugout after Coe struck her out.  Foster hit to centre field and was advanced to thirdbase from a hit to rightfield from Kobi Forrester.  Both score off the bat of Roberts who reached second after her hit cleared centerfield, but more importantly giving her team the win by ten runs to eight.

Congratulations to both teams for a great game and their excellent sportsmanship.

Worker Falcons continues to improve each week and despite a score line of 24 to 8 loss against Woodburn there were some great plays and hits from the team.

The first innings saw Falcons score four runs with Kobi Forrester, Talon Forrester, Jacinta McDonald, and Louanna Smith all reaching first base safely.  But it was enormous homerun from Carlie Shailes scoring three runners that had the team up and cheering.

Woodburn, know for their big hitters, consistently hit the ball hard with a homerun to Chris Costello and a two bagger, while Lucy Creighton hit a three bagger through rightfield.

Workers tried hard throughout the game with Kobi Forrester hitting three safe hits and Emily Finlay hitting safely twice.

Pitchers Lyn McDonald and Shailes tried their best, while Shailes shone in the field at shortstop with one out and two assist.

This side will only improve as the season continues, so watch this space.









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