Cross-Ice Hockey Games


Sun 11 Aug 2024 4:45PM — 6:15PM
IceHQ, 1 Blake Street, Reservoir VIC 3083

Basic details

Additional information

Select tickets

Beginner - New to hockey
$15.00 ea
Developing - have played at least one game
$15.00 ea
Experienced - played a season or more
$20.00 ea

Please note

  • All prices are inclusive of GST.

Event Waiver

Participation in on-ice activities (such as ice skating, games, and hockey skills) includes some risks. I fully understand that I could be injured. Injuries may include (but are not limited to) cuts, scrapes, sprains, ligament damage, broken bones, concussion, or possibly even death. By purchasing my ticket, I accept these risks and take responsibility for my own safety.

We recommend using protective gear that is free to use at IceHQ (Including helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads).