How do I know what age group to register my team for?
Players must register for their correct competition age group. The age group for a player is based on the oldest age they will be at any point in time during the calendar year. e.g. A player who turns 8 during the calendar year is only eligible for Under 8 or older. They are not eligible for Under 7.
Junior players (18 years and younger) can apply for dispensation and approval from LSC to play up an age group if they consider that they can meet the physical demands of the older age group and would like a challenge.
O35 & O45 Competition Players must only register and play in their eligible age groups. Any team that is found to be fielding an underage player for their competition age group will be penalised and incur loss of competition points.
O45 - must be turning 45 or above that calendar year to be eligible