
Lithgow Hockey Association Incorporated


Lithgow Hockey Association Annnual General Meeting

Published Tue 09 Mar 2021

All positions will be declared vacant. Nominations for the following positions are to be received in writing and received by the secretary no later than 10pm on the 06/04/2021. Nominations are to be sent to executive.lha@gmail.com or to PO BOX 626 Lithgow NSW.

The following positions will be open for nominations to be received:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Data Base Co-ordinator
  • Bookings Officer
  • District Co-Ordinator
  • Grounds and Maintenance Officer
  • Canteen Manager
  • Covid Co-Ordinator
  • Sports Council Representative

Any motions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting need to be received no later than 31st March 2021.

For further information please contact secretary of Lithgow Hockey Association via email executive.lha@gmail.com or Guy Mannering on 0419 471 140.

Kind Regards

Barry Sansom


Lithgow Hockey Association

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