
Lithgow Hockey Association Incorporated


Current LHA Life Members

Published Mon 08 Feb 2021

Good Evening,

LHA has a strong history of members that have helped run Lithgow Hockey association by donating hours upon hours of their own time to ensure that we as an association were recognised not just for our players and coaches but for our complex and hockey community.

What do we need from you?

We are looking at establishing and honouring members that have been awarded Life Memberships to:

  • Lithgow Hockey Association (Greater Lithgow Hockey Association)
  • Senior mens Hockey
  • Senior Women's Hockey
  • Junior Hockey

If you are a life member or know of a life member please send an email to executive.lha@gmail.com. In the email please include:

  • Persons first name and surname at time of Life Membership being awarded
  • Year Life membership awarded (e.g. 1998)
  • Whether it was LHA, Mens, Womens or Juniors
  • Whether the life member is deceased.

If anyone is able to provide a copy of a pin/medallion of what was received when awarded their life membership this would assist as we have the opportunity to honour others in the hockey community.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on  0419 471 140 should you have any questions.


Guy Mannering


Lithgow Hockey Association

0419 471 140

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