CAV Annual Reporting

For each financial year, the club must report its financial obligations to its members and to Consumer Affairs Victoria. After these have been presented and lodged, the club must also lodge these with La Trobe Sport. The below needs to be prepared and lodged - 

  • Financial statements – submitted to association members at the next annual general meeting (AGM)
  • Annual statement – an online form submitted to Consumer Affairs Victoria after the AGM, and then to La Trobe Sport as a receipt

Before the AGM

Step 1  - Once your association’s financial year has ended, prepare the financial statements for that financial year, in preperation for the AGM. The AGM should take place no later than 5 months after the end of financial year end date. Please click HERE to view specifc auditing requirements, however, all clubs should be in tier 1.

Financial statements must contain:

  • income and expenditure (Income Statement) for your association’s financial year
  • assets and liabilities (Balance Sheet) at the end of its financial year
  • other documents required by accounting standards, such as a cash flow statement
  • notes to the account, which must include:
    • information required by the accounting standards
    • information necessary to give a true and fair view
    • information required by the provisions of the Act and its regulations.

Please click HERE for a sample income statement. 

Step 2 - The committee considers the financial statements. Two committee members must certify that the financial statements and auditing requirements of incorporated associations provide a ‘true and fair’ view of the association’s financial performance and position, by signing a certificate.

  • The treasurer should present the financial statements at a committee meeting.
  • Record the presentation of the financial statements in the minutes of the committee meeting.
  • If satisfied with the financial statements, the committee can pass a resolution confirming the statements give an accurate view of the association’s financial affairs. Two committee members must sign a certificate to this effect - Schedule 1, Regulations 18 19 & 20, Form 1 (Word, 25KB).

At the AGM

Step 3 - The committee presents the financial statements to members, with the certificate signed by two committee members.

Step 4 - At, or as soon as practical after the AGM, a committee member must certify that they attended the AGM and that the financial statements were presented to members.

After the AGM

Step 5 - You must lodge an annual statement online using your myCAV account within one month of your AGM. Either the secretary or an authorised delegate of the association can lodge your annual statement.