Student Recruitment Grant
- Purpose: To provide clubs the opportunity to fund a student recruitment event or program. The grant is to be used only for activities involving non-club members, with the aim of promoting your club to new students.
- Available: Up to $500 per club
- Application Periods: 17 January - 7 February, 23 June - 11 July
Application Form
Please click HERE to submit your grant application.
Application Form Requirements
- Submitters details
- Club name
- Name of student recruitment event
- Application amount $
- Description of student recruitment event
- Summary of what the event/ program/ activity is
- Grant Plan Form upload
- Purpose
- Expected outcomes
- Who is involved (roles allocated)
- Timeline (deadlines or running schedule)
- Equipment list
- Risk management (contingency plans)
- Dates of the program (commencement and finish if over multiple days/ weeks)
- Estimated budget of the event
- Estimated date of reporting to La Trobe Sport (after event/ program has concluded)
- Marketing collateral (not required)
Application Timeline
Application Period 1
- Friday 17 January - Guidelines & eligibility released
- Friday 17 January - Applications open
- Friday 7 February - Applications close
- Monday 10 February - Applications reviewed
- Tuesday 11 February - Application outcomes sent to clubs
Application Period 2
- Monday 23 June - Applications open
- Friday 11 July - Applications close
- Monday 14 July - Applications reviewed
- Tuesday 15 July - Application outcomes sent to clubs
Grant Guidelines and Eligibility
- Clubs must be an affiliated sports club to La Trobe University.
- Applications must go through the Revolutionise form provided.
- Application approval does not guarantee funds. Funds are only distributed after the event/ program reporting and receipts have been submitted.
- Funding for each club a maximum of $500. Should in the reporting phase the club spend less than $500, or the initial nominated amount, the club will not be eligible for the $500 or the nominated amount, only the amount spent.
- Clubs may only apply for the grant once and be accepted once. Example: if your club is approved for funding for $250, the club may not apply for an additional $250 in the secondary application period.
- Equipment can be only funded on the basis the club can prove it does not have it, and there is a direct need in having that equipment to run the event.
- Any equipment purchased remains the property of La Trobe Sport.
- Clubs will not be eligible to apply if owing money through facility or other bookings.
Approved for funding
- Coaching costs
- Venue hire
- Catering
- Equipment (please see guidelines)
- Travel expenses (for trip-based clubs only - no personal travel reimbursements)
Not approved for funding
- Sports Fest stall
- Medical expenses
- Personal travel expenses
- Equipment not necessary to run the program
Examples of Student Recruitment Events
- Come & try beginners skills session & BBQ
- Fun small-sided netball competition for new students
- Free drop-in ice skating sessions
Program Reporting
To be eligible for the release of funding, clubs must submit a report to La Trobe Sport after the conclusion of the program. The report must include:
- Attendance list containing: Full name, student number, and outcome of that student (are they now involved in the club?)
- It is recommended that the club takes digital attendance through Revolutionise or Google Forms.
- Overall budget of the program
- Receipt on items the funding was spent on
- Pictures from the program