Student Activity Grant

  • Purpose: To provide clubs with the opportunity to fund student activities throughout the year and promote student retrntion in clubs. Activities may be existing, or new. 
  • Available: Up to $750 per club
  • Application Periods: 24 January - 14 March, 30 June - 8 August

Application Form

Please click HERE to suubmit your grant application.

Application Form Requirements


Application Timeline

Application Period 1

  • Friday 17 January - Guidelines & eligibility released
  • Friday 24 January - Applications open
  • Friday 14 March - Applications close
  • Monday 17 March - Applications reviewed
  • Tuesday 18 March - Application outcomes sent to clubs

Application Period 2

  • Monday 30 June - Applications open
  • Friday 8 August - Applications close
  • Monday 11 August - Applications reviewed
  • Tuesday 12 August - Application outcomes sent to clubs

Grant Guidelines and Eligibility

  1. Clubs must be an affiliated sports club to La Trobe University.
  2. Applications must go through the Revolutionise form provided.
  3. The grant may be used on a current program, or a new initiative.
  4. The program must have at least 10 members involved, with at least 75% of members involved being students. Example - if the program is for 40 members, there needs to be at least 30 student members involved. 
  5. If in the reporting phase the percentage of student participants fall below 75%, funding will be reduced. 
  6. The program must have a minimum of 5 contact hours. It is recommended that the program is over multiple weeks to engage students, however may also be a singular event. 
  7. Application approval does not guarantee funds. Funds are only distributed after the event/ program reporting amd receipts have been submitted.
  8. Funding for each club a maximum of $750. Should in the reporting phase the club spend less than $750, or the initial nominated amount, the club will not be eligible for the $750 or the nominated amount, only the amount spent.
  9. Clubs may only apply for the grant once and be accepted once. Example: if your club is approved for funding for $500, the club may not apply for an additional $250 in the secondary application period. 
  10. Equipment can be only funded on the basis the club can prove it does not have it, and there is a direct need in having that equipment to run the event. 
  11. Any equipment purchased remains the property of La Trobe Sport.
  12. Clubs will not be eligible to apply if owing money through facility or other bookings. 

Approved for funding

  • Coaching costs
  • Venue hire
  • Catering
  • Equipment (please see guidelines)
  • Travel expenses (for trip-based clubs only - no personal travel reimbursements)

Not approved for funding

  • Playing or competition fees
  • Medical expenses
  • Personal travel expenses
  • Equipment not necessary to run the program

Program Reporting

To be eligible for the release of funding, clubs must submit a report to La Trobe Sport after the conclusion of the program. The report must include:

  • Attendance list containing: Full name, student number, and outcome of that student (are they now involved in the club?)
    • It is recommended that the club takes digital attendance through Revolutionise of Google Forms. 
  • Overall budget of the program
  • Receipt on items the funding was spent on
  • Pictures from the program