Yearly Club Requirements

La Trobe Sport clubs are required to report yearly to La Trobe Sport, to ensure they meet affilitation requirements and legal requirements. This reporting also sets up the club for the following year.

Yearly Submission Timeline

  • August 1 2024 - All clubs notified on submission deadline for that year.
    • Clubs who have AGM's that do not fit within these prescribed timelines may apply for extra time in writing. Clubs who are unable to submit their yearly requirements due to a later AGM, must submit these documents no later than 14 days after the AGM occurs. 
  • November 1 2024 - Clubs to submit submissions via prescribed submission form

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to view an example timeline for submitting the end of year requirements. 

The below will detail all documents and information La Trobe Sport require, however, all clubs must also meet further requirements being an incorporated association, in addition to the ASC Game Plan requirements. Please use the below links to help guide you in this process:

Yearly Submission Requirements

ALL clubs must submit the below information. Failure to submit the below within the prescribed deadline, or extension as approved by La Trobe Sport, will see clubs in breach of their affiliation agreement.

Next to each item is a guide on which committee member who should collate this information. This is a guide only, this may change club to club. For more direction on your clubs committeee members roles and responsibilities, please click HERE

Each thing we require will have a linkeable template or form. This is only to be used as a best practice resource, we also have alternate resources on our Clubs Resource List (A-Z)



  • 2025 Committee Member details (name, email, number of all committee members) (Secretary)



  • AGM Date (Secretary)
  • Financial Year End Date (Secretary)
  • Annual statement lodgement (Secretary)
  • Receipt of lodgement (Secretary)

Liquor License 

  • Proof of liquor license (Secretary)

Member data

  • Total members 2024 (Secretary)
  • Student members 2024 (Secretary)
  • Confirmation of updated revolutionise (Secretary)
  • Submission of student members number documents for auditing (Secretary)

Australian Sports Commission Game Plan

  • Update provided to La Trobe Sport on progress made on the ASC Game Plan (President)

Yearly Submission Form

The yearly submission form will open August 1, 2024, available here: 

Example Yearly Submission Timeline

We understand that each club has a different financial year end date, which will impact their ability to report, have their AGM, meet consumer affairs requirements. The below timeline is pnly an example of what the yearly submission timeline would be, if the clubs financial year end date is October 31. 

  • August 1 2024 - All clubs notified on submission deadline for that year
  • October 31 2024 - Financial year end date
  • November 1 2024 - Yearly submissions open
  • November 1 2024 - Financial statements prepared
  • November 8 2024 - Financial statements certified at committee meeting
  • November 8 2024 - Members notified of AGM (21 days notice)
  • November 30 2024 - Club holds AGM (within 5 months of financial year end date) with certified financial statements 
  • December 7 2024 - Club sumbmits required documents to Consumer Affairs Victoria
  • December 14 2024 - Club submits required information to La Trobe Sport