Committee Roles

The role of the committee

A club committee is the group of people, elected according to the rules or constitution of the club to run the club on behalf of the members and to plan strategically and implement measures to ensure the sustainable future of the club.

New La Trobe Sports clubs require a minimum of three committee members, being the President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

Responsibility of the committee

  • Comply with all legislation, especially:
    •      Association Incorporation legislation
    •      Member protection, welfare and safety
    •      Fund-raising legislation
    •      Food handling legislation
    •      Liquor licensing laws
  •     Ensure the club is run according to its rules (constitution), purpose, policies and procedures – if you are on the committee it is really important that you have a copy of the rules, understand them thoroughly and run your club according to them. In many cases the club rules will also define additional responsibilities for the committee and its office holder.
  •      Oversee the financial affairs of the club, ensuring the club stays solvent (which simply means being able to pay your clubs bills as and when they become due).
  •      Create and manage a risk management plan that minimises risks associated with club all club activities, not just the sporting risks
  •      Plan, define and deliver the club’s objectives and strategic plan for the future
  •      Create your club culture and ensure expectations are met
  •      Ensuring the sporting, competitive and social needs of members are met
  •      Recruiting, empowering, recognising, rewarding and maintaining club volunteers
  •      Creating and implementing a succession plan for all roles within the club, ensuring that the next generation of volunteers are being identified, developed and trained
  •      Regularly communicate with club members


The President is primarily responsible for ensuring the club sets and meets its goals and objectives. The President is responsible for the 'big picture' thinking and the long term direction of the club.

Key governance responsibilities include ensuring the club: 

  • Defines and documents its club culture and behaviours
  • Ensure the club has clearly defined goals and objectives
  • Ensures the committee receive regular and accurate financial reporting
  • Ensure compliance and legislative obligations are met
  • All club positions, roles, and sub committees have regularly reviewed position descriptions

Running meetings and comminicating to stakeholders are core responsibilities of the club President, which includes:

  • Setting the agenda for each committee meeting, including the AGM
  • Chair all committee meetings
  • Chair the AGM
  • Act as a spokesperson for the club

Vice President

The role of the Vice President is to work closely with the President, and undertake the roles and responsibilities of the President should the President be unavailable. The Vice President should also provide assistance to the President with assistance to develop and implement strategic planning and long term goal setting for the club. 

The Vice President will assist the President to ensure the club undertakes its key governance responsibilities, including ensuring the club:

  • Maintains great club culture
  • Has clearly defined goals and objectives
  • Follows compliance of all obligations

The Vice President will:

  • Assist the President to set the agenda for each committee meeting
  • In the absence of the President:
    • Chair the committe meetings
    • Chair the AGM
    • Act as a spokesperson for the club


The main roles of the secretary are to prepare for and manage meetings, and the manage the clubs compliance, both to Consumer Affairs, La Trobe Sport, and also other associations the club may be responsible to. 

The Secretary will act as the public officer of the club, and when elected becomes the nominated Secretary under the Incorporated Associations Act, and therefore is responsible for:

  • Notifying the relevant government body of their appointment (Consumer Affairs Victoria)
  • Lodging on behalf of the club all reports and notices as required by the relevant Incorporated Associations Act
  • Mainitaining club membership database


  • In conjunction with the Presidentschedule all meetings, including the AGM
  • Prepare and circulate the agenda of each committee meeting
  • Take the meetings minutes
  • Maintain the minute keeping, ensuring meeting minutes are signed off by the President


  • Handle all general club correspondence 
  • Be the clubs main point of contact for key stakeholders


The treasurer is responsible for ensuring the committee is empowered to manage the financial affairs of the club.

The treasurer must - 

  • Record all financial transactions in the clubs accounting system
  • Maintain a list of club assets and liabilities
  • Assist the preperation of budgets
  • Provide a list of payments, revenue, and expenses prior to each committee meeting for the relevant time period
  • Control the bank account, ensuring those only authorised can access it
  • Ensure all financial reporting is up to date, and presented at the AGM

General Committee Members

Depending on the size of your club, you may also have general committee members. These members have specific roles that fill a need in the club. They can include:

  • Social Media Officer
  • Events Coordinator
  • University Liason
  • Student Engagement Officer
