Submarine Trophy

Submarine Trophy

Club Honour Board showing the winners of the Submarine Trophy.

Presented to the boat or person having the most or a particularly spectacular capsize or for the submerging of a club boat
or equipment or for any other maritime mishap at the LBSC during the current season.

Season Skipper/Crew Boat Name / Equipment Class of Boat / Role
2023 / 2024 Peter Howett Fun between the sheets Impulse
2022 / 2023 - Not Awarded -
2021 / 2022 Martin Linley Safety Boat Crew N/A
2020 / 2021 Mark Conry Devil Inside RS Aero 7
2019 / 2020 Mark Conry Devil Inside RS Aero 7&9
2018 / 2019 Stephen Eshman Ezlo Musto Skiff
2017 / 2018 Dan Cowan Safety Boat Crew Largs 1
2016 / 2017 Dan Cowan Largs 1 Not released from trailer
2016 / 2017 Geoff Potts Kurdi II Hartley TS16
2015 / 2016 Matthew Muller Call the Cops Australian Sharpie
2014 / 2015 Chad Baker Zadok Impulse
2013 / 2014 Mark Kretschmer Several boats Australian Sharpie
2012 / 2013 - Not awarded -
2011 / 2012 John Woollatt Can't get Fritz in Sydney Australian Sharpie
2010 / 2011 Don Chaplin Submerged club tractor Bridge Crew
2009 / 2010 Jeff Kennaway Submerged boat trailer Safety Boat Crew
2008 / 2009 Chloe Robinson Reverie 12ft Cadet Dinghy
2007 / 2008 Sam & Julie Height Flamin-go Hartley TS16
2006 / 2007 Peter Littledike The Usual Usual 20 TS
2005 / 2006 Geoff Common Irish Frog Australian Sharpie
2004 / 2005 Chris Main Mainiac Australian Sharpie
2003 / 2004 John Woollatt Submerged club tractor Sail Training
2002 / 2003 - No record -
2001 / 2002 - No record -
2000 / 2001 - No record -
1999 / 2000 - No record -
1998 / 1999 - No record -
1997 / 1998 - No record -
1996 / 1997 - No record -
1995 / 1996 - No record -
1994 / 1995 - Perth (Ceduna) Express -
1993 / 1994 Robert (Bob) Allen Gratis Usual 6 TS
1992 / 1993 Greg Hammet Kumali Australian Sharpie
1991 / 1992 Derek Morrison Solitaire Trailerable Yacht
1990 / 1991 Safety Boat Crew Largs 4 Safety Boat
1989 / 1990 Leo Flaherty Jarene Trailerable Yacht
1988 / 1989 - No record -
1987 / 1988 Greg Koenecke Crash & Burn International Moth
1986 / 1987 - No record -
1985 / 1986 Michael Lineage Freehold Rainbow
1984 / 1985 Mark Moore NA 12ft Cadet
1983 / 1984 Doug Hogg Full Circle Usual 20 TS
1982 / 1983 W & R Keat NA -
1981 / 1982 D. Weaver NA Catamaran
1980 / 1981 Greg Hammet Kumali Lightweight Sharpie
1979 / 1980 D. Pamment

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