Policy: Club Administration

LBSC Policy - Club Administration



The following club Policy Documents relating to club administration are provided to assist the management and members to interpret and implement the Constitution of the sailing club.

Constitution of the Largs Bay Sailing Club
The Constitution and Bylaws state the fundamental principles and precedents according to which the LBSC is to be governed and the powers and duties of club officials and members.
  View a copy of the Constitution  (May 2023)

Handbook for New Junior Sailing Familes
Largs Bay Sailing Club welcomes new families to our club and this booklet has been designed to assist new families to navigate the steps to becoming club members and to joining the sail training programs, which the club provides for juniors.
  View the Handbook for New Junior Sailing Families

LBSC Strategic Plan (2017)
Our strategic plan sets out a future direction for the club, and translates this vision into broadly defined goals and describes the proposed steps to achieve those goals.
  View a copy of the Strategic Plan

Member Privacy Policy
Largs Bay Sailing Club operates in accordance with the Privacy Policy of  Australian Sailing.  The management committee recognises that member privacy is important and that individuals have a right to control their personal information.
  View more information about the LBSC Member Privacy Policy

Guidelines for Nomination of Life Members of the LBSC
Any member who has rendered valuable service to the Club for a period of not less than 10 years may be nominated for Life Membership by any two senior members.
  View guidelines for Nomination of Life Members
  Print a Form to  nominate a LBSC member for Life Membership

Club Facilities Hire
Our club facilities are available to hire for conferences, birthdays, weddings, funerals and other functions.
Any member, non-member or organisation wishing to hire our club facilities should read the "Conditions of Hire" and complete an "Application Form".
  View these documents on the "Club Facilities, Events and Function Hire" webpage

Training Centre Operation Procedures
The Training Centre Operating Procedures document sets out the guideline for staff and volunteers supporting training programs at the club..
  Training Centre Operating Procedures

Duty Statements for LBSC Officials and Staff
Job descriptions for management committee chairpersons, volunteers and club staff.
  Duties of Bar Supervisor and Bar Staff

Memorial Plaques in the 12 foot Cadet Dinghy, "Flight"

Memorial plaques placed in the 12ft Cadet Dinghy, Flight” will provide a means by which past long serving members, officials and volunteers may be remembered and acknowledged for their contribution to the LBSC.
  View guidelines for Memorial Plaques
  View the form to request a Memorial Plaque

View other policy and bylaws relevant to Health & Safety of Members and the Race Management at LBSC

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