
Lara Football Club


October update 2023

Published Tue 31 Oct 2023

With the end of season 2023, we are busy off field with recruiting and re-signing of players

Our senior presentation night was held on Thursday 28th September with a full house of players, committee members and supporters. A wonderful night was held at the Sporting Club and some very well deserved award winners. Matt Trethowan was awarded the Bernie Walker Most Exemplary person award. Matt has committed so much time over the years looking after our players and making sure they get on the field. Thankyou Matt for your efforts

With Christmas just around the corner, dont forget that you can purchase apparel for your loved ones anytime- just click on the buton below. Cutoff time for guaranteed delivery before Xmas will be Friday 24th November

The annual LFNC combined AGM has been held and we are happy to announce the Executive committee consists of-

Chairperson- Chris Spence

Vice Chairperson- David Lindorff

Treasurer- Stephen Reynolds

Secretary- TBA

Junior Coordinator- Brian Petroff

We are lucky to have some new members join our current general committee and look forward to start getting organised for season 2024

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