
Katherine Volleyball Club

Prize Giving 2021

Prize Giving 2021

CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome Back to the club, Bad Company.  They were our only returning team from previous years, who claimed back their champion title after having a break from KVC in 2018.

Congratulations to team West Side Ballerz, our underdogs who took away 2nd Place.

Congratulations to team Bula, our feisty Fijians who took away 3rd Place.

Well done to team Just For Laughs, our entertainers, who took away 4th Place.

MVP shout out to: Tupu Tafunai/Senior Male, Jamie Abbott/Senior Female, Lachlan Price/Junior Male + Alexis Braganza/Junior Female.

Special shout out and mention to our Committee: Evie O'Neil, Joanne Hill, Prue Dickens + Malama Higgins who worked tirelessly throughout the year.

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