
Kurri Kurri LAC


Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Registrations are now closed for 2024-2025 and will reopen from 1 August 2025.

For further information please contact kklac142@outlook.com or admin@lansw.com.au

Welcome to Kurri Kurri Little Athletics Registrations

Rego Options

Trial: All trials are now finished.

Registration:  Registrations are Now Closed


Tots: $115

6's to U20: $150


Day: Friday
Time: 6:00pm
Age Groups: Tiny Tots for 3 & 4 year olds & Under 6 to Under 20s
Location: Birralee Oval, Heddon St Kurri Kurri NSW 2327
Track: Grass

Because this is a NEW REGO PLATFORM for Little Athletic's Members you need to register as a NEW MEMBER.

Returnig Members is ONLY for people who have been registered with Athletics NSW before.