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King Shaka Yacht Club (KSYC) was created after its founders noticed a lack of transformation and development in the industry and the sport. As a result, they established an organisation that could focus on these development goals and offer greater opportunities to previously disadvantaged individuals.
To assist in the establishment of a democratic, non-racial sports system for our country.
To train and develop new sailors, and nurture our current sailors to excel in the sporting code they have chosen.
To be the premier yacht club on the South African East Coast, offering learning opportunities, instilling the value of safety and sportsmanship, promoting volunteerism for club committees, events and activities, and developing skills beyond only a hobby, but rather to offer potential career paths.
KSYC is a registered Non-Profit Company and a Section 18 Public Benefit Organisation (registration in progress with SARS).
Under the KSYC Constitution, no member has any personal gain from club profits.
KSYC is composed of a board of trustees and managed by an executive committee who are elected by the members annually at an AGM per the KSYC constitution, all of whom are volunteers.