MPIO fact sheet
Fact Sheet 1 What DO Member Protection Information Officers do?
Member Protection Information Officers are people trained to be the first point of contact within sporting organisations for any person considering making a complaint under the Member Protection Policy. MPIOs provide confidential, impartial and timely information and support. They act as a sounding board and provide information about the local complaint resolution options available to address the individual’s concerns. MPIO’s may also be called on to provide advice to club administrators or complaint handlers regarding the Member Protection Policy and associated laws. MPIOs are not advocates but they may elect to accompany complainants, if requested, to talk with someone else.
What DO Member Protection Information Officers do?
• Listen
• Act as an impartial support person
• Provide information about discrimination, harassment and child abuse
• Provide information about the Member Protection Policy and the options available to resolve the complaint • Provide information about relevant laws and the right to complain externally
• Discuss possible strategies the individual can use to deal directly with the other person
• Provide contact details for counselling or other referrals as appropriate or as requested
What DON’T Member Protection Information Officers do?
• Advocate
• Take sides or judge
• Give advice
• Intervene
• Investigate
• Breach confidentiality
Key selection criteria: what qualities should an MPIO possess?
• Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to deal effectively with people faced with difficult or sensitive issues
• An in-depth knowledge of the organisation’s Member Protection policies and procedures
• A commitment to the principles of fair, safe and inclusive sport
• An understanding and demonstrated commitment to the organisation’s values
• An ability to provide confidential information about a range of sensitive issues as requested
• A knowledge of a variety of conflict resolution options and the procedures available to members
• Personal integrity with the ability to treat individuals and their circumstances with respect and sensitivity
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MPIO Fact Sheet