2022 WA State Country Water Polo Championships


Fri 04 Mar 2022 12:00 — Sun 06 Mar 2022 22:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Dates of competition: Friday 4th March - Sunday 6th March 2022
Location: Karratha
Nominations: Close Friday 31st December 2021 (all uniform orders must be in by this date)


Nomination fee
A $50 deposit is required upon your nomination. 

You will receive an invoice from KWPA once you have nominated. 

Associated Costs

  • Uniforms and Bathers are the responsibility of each player to fund. KWPA bathers, singlet & hat are compulsory. The uniform will remain the same as last year. 
  • Final Function Ticket. (Cost TBA)

Training Information
Nominating players are expected to make every effort to attend all scheduled training sessions. 

If under 18 you must have a legal guardian accompany you to the final function. If a player is to act as a guardian, then this must be approved by the Coach and Manager. Please ring the Manager to discuss options.

If you have any medical conditions, please request a medical form from your manager.

By nominating, you have read the above information and:

  • Will be available for the 2022 State Country Water Polo Champs (4th March – 6th March 2022)
  • Have transferred your $50 deposit and agree to pay all other amounts owing by 31st Dec 2021.
  • Will make your best efforts to attend as many training’s as possible

For further information please contact your team Manager.

Men’s Manager:
Aaron Day

0403 979 020

Women’s Manager:
Amy Kroonstuiver

0401 965 258


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