Competition FAQs

When are competitions held?
Competitions are usually held in July-September each year. Generally Sub Junior comps are first, then Juniors, then Inters. Exact dates for the competitions will be provided as soon as we are notified by CASA. CASA often provides a yearly planner that provides approximate dates on their website.

Where are competitions held?
Competitions are held at the Royalty Theatre, 65 Angus Street, Adelaide.

How do the teams get to Adelaide?
The club will organise vehicles to transport the teams from Kangaroo Island, to the accomodation, to competitions and back to Kangaroo Island. The vehicles will be driven by volunteer mums (organised by Group reps). 

Where do the teams stay?
Accommodation is organised by the Group Reps. Over the last few years we have stayed at West Beach Resort in cabins with 3-4 girls and a cabin mum. Alternatively we have also previously stayed at dorm accommodation such as Warradale. More information on accommodation will be provided once competition dates are known and accommodation booked.

Does my child need to travel/stay with the team?
The competition trip is similar to a school trip where travel and accommodation are organised for each participant. It is expected that, unless there are exceptional circumstances, each participant will stay in the organised accommodation with the team. If staying at a cabin park, parents are often able to book nearby cabins. If you plan on organising your own travel for your child please let your group rep know early to assist with working out number of vehicles required.

How many nights will the team be away?
Teams are normally away for 2 nights. Each team has a stage practice prior to the competition so travel to Adelaide needs to occur in time for this. Generally, teams will travel to Adelaide the day before the competition and have the stage practice that day or the morning of the competition. Comps finish too late to catch the ferry home so teams travel back to KI the day after comps. Factors that may impact on this include CASA's scheduling of stage practice and the weather / operation of ferries.