
South Korean Judo Superstar to Visit Adelaide in August 2024

Published Sat 15 Jun 2024

The main battle tank of u100kg Judo in South Korea is taking time out to visit little old Adelaide 19-23 August, where for this week we will be the epicentre of Judo in Australia. Rub shoulders with a World Champion & Olympic Silver medallist for the price of a couple of beers at your local, while the whole week is the cost of a meal with the hanger-ons.

The super seminar on Friday is designed to reward interstate Judoka who wish to attend the Adelaide International Open (AIO) on Saturday 24 August 2024.

AUJC will make sure all interstate guests will make their weigh-in on Friday.

Further, while the AIO will be at a different location to the seminar at AUJC it is still very practical to facilitate both. There are no road Tolls for a start, and AUJC is located in the very inner west just a short (and free) tram trip from the CBD of Adelaide, while the venue for the AIO will feel like a blink away from the City for anyone who is use to Melbourne, Sydney of Brisbane traffic.

Scroll down to the QR code that will open the door to this incredible experience.

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