
Judo Australia ANNUAL REPORT | Local Club Content Inclusion

Published Sun 01 Sep 2024

Hello Local Judo Club Sensei or Committee


This year Judo Australia is seeking a single photo from every local Club on a significant event during the past 12 months.

We all appreciate the life and soul of Judo in Australia occurs within the local dojo, and for the first time, Judo Australia would like to include as many photographs of local Judo as possible in the Annual Report.

The significant photo your club contributes may be judo on the beach, the interclub you attended, the birthday parties that was hosted in your dojo, a significant annual celebration, the grading that was conducted, the volunteers you recognized, the movie night, the weekend away of all club members, the international guest coach. We assume many clubs may just have to prioritize back to their best quality photo for inclusion. 

We are just seeking one or two good quality photo’s in a single email with a brief one line description of the photo.

PLEASE EMAIL to with the subject: “Annual Report Photo”

The deadline to return a photo & description by SUNDAY 8th September please. 

We appreciate not all clubs will respond but we hope a significant number of our 203 local Judo Clubs around Australia will take up this invitation to be included in the upcoming Judo Australia Annual Report.  

Much Appreciated,

Shane Alvisio

National Operations Manager

Judo Australia

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