
From The Board

Published Sun 05 Nov 2023

In this communication we will talk about:

  • Resignations 

  • Next Steps and Change

  • Female Appointed Directors

  • Volunteers for FAC and a divide and conquer approach to the Secretary functions.

  • Board Liaison

  • Gender and Youth ambassador

  • Grievance resolution function

In the next communication we discuss:

  • Recognition


Dear Life Members, Member Clubs and Members

We wish to advise that Jason Polgreen has tendered his resignation to the Board of Directors of JudoSA, and at the last meeting of the Board on Thursday, 02 November 2023, it was regretfully accepted.

It is easy to forget the trauma and uncertainty that COVID-19 inflicted on the world at large, but when it was most needed Jason provided open, visible and effective communication and leadership, and behind the scenes his strategic planning and thinking was something that most not-for-profits never get the privilege to benefit from.

Judo Australia considered him an asset to the administration of judo in this Country.

The Board would like to take this opportunity to recognise his commitment to the role, the energy he brought to the Board for the benefit of all members, and the support, leadership, and friendship he provided his fellow directors over the length of his term in Office.

While he is lost to the Board, we hope he is not lost to one of his biggest passions, and that is Judo. To that end we hope to foster a role for him moving forward.

Thank you, Jason, for the time and effort you put into Judo in this State and thank you to your family for what they would have given up in your absence serving us all.

Behind every good leader is a good team, and it goes without saying that Board benefited from high performing professionals in the form of Caroline Hobby, Peter Ross and Casey Sheridan, who upon their decision to call it a day, and return to life as normal, have left a massive hole. It is the case with Caroline and Casey in particular (doing the role of Secretary and Treasurer) that you only get an appreciation of the depth and width of work they have done, on top of their day jobs, when they are gone.

Thank you to all three for volunteering their time and commitment to the task at hand while serving in your elected positions.

It is also with regret that the Board accepted the resignation of Hannah Bradbury from the Events Committee. Her commitment will be missed but as one of the States high performing Judoka we anticipate to still see her in action on the mats over many years to come and wish her the best of luck in those endeavours.

The last AGM highlighted the current lack of appetite for members to take up volunteer roles on the Board, so it is considered important for the Board to remain focused on completing the consultation process, identifying a united vision and purpose for all member clubs and progress a plan to achieve that vision.

It is also evident that a restructure is required including putting in place a framework to deliver contemporary governance, an effective complaints process and bring the judo moral code off the wall and use those values as the lens through which decisions and interactions are made by the Board and all members.

It is planned that in November/December 2023 a discussion paper will be put to the membership as to governance options for JudoSA to be decided upon.

Regardless of what the governance structure looks like, it is also evident that JudoSA needs to build capacity, and bring on high level skill sets to achieve outcomes.

The current Board will now work to implement a restructure, which will be communicated to the membership as it is progressed. Further, the current Board will work with all member clubs to work through setting the unifying vision and develop a plan that will look to achieve that vision and address matters raised through YourSay.

The outcome of all that will dictate if a special general meeting is required in the new year.

As an immediate priority the Board will look to improve gender equality on the Board by appointing two female Appointed Directors for a term as agreed upon. They need not be members of JudoSA, or a Judoka.

There is also the opportunity to begin considering how the CEO under the constitution can be activated, as this is also something that has been identified as a key missing element in really driving JudoSA forward. Currently, the Board is making decisions and not individuals or specific office holders. The Treasurer will chair Board meetings, following the process in the Constitution where there is no President in attendance.

In the coming weeks expressions of interest (EOI) will go out for:

  • 2 x female Appointed Directors

  • Volunteers who can do parts of the Secretarial functions, including minute taking, communication, administration, content creation and Board support for promotion, marketing and submissions.

  • Volunteers with a bookkeeping or accounting skills to form part of a Financial Advisory Committee

  • As we are starting to move into the change process member clubs will be provided an opportunity to nominate a Board Liaison, who can attend online communication sessions to receive updates and to provide relevant feedback.

  • A Gender and Youth ambassador who will be able to communicate issues directly into the Board on matters relating to improving female and youth participation and retention in Judo. 

  • A person to facilitate a grievance resolution process in accordance with the constitution and good administrative practices. 

We envisage these roles can be done remotely to allow greater flexibility, and in smaller chunks so as not to be time consuming. It will provide an opportunity for people to improve their resume and gain community experience that is seen as desirable by many employees. Further, the roles can create pathways to a board position by affording people opportunities to gain necessary skills and experience for those roles.

Change can be unsettling and upsetting for many people, and if the above is causing these feelings for you we recommend you let friends and colleagues know so you are supported and if needed please seek professional help.

If there are concerns you need to raise email

Your Board remains excited by the brand JudoSA, and inspired by what can be achieved by dedicated people as evidenced by the success of the AIO-2023 and the AMG-2023. We can only imagine what can be achieved in the next three years with more people involved, and a desire for all to come together to promote and grow Judo in South Australia.

Yours In Judo


The Board

The Judo Moral Code: Courtesy, Courage, Friendship, Honesty, Honour, Modesty, Respect and Self-Control.

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