
From The Board

Published Sun 26 Nov 2023

Dear Member Clubs

Judo Australia have reached out to JudoSA and would like some assistance from us in sending to all our clubs the link to the Judo Census. 

Please find below the message from the CEO of Judo Australia.

Each club will be followed up with a phone call once they respond to talk through the results and how they can put practical steps in place to help.

The survey link:

Yours in Judo

The Board

The 2023 Great Judo Census - CLUBS

Our team at Judo Australia wants to know more about you and your club, and how we can help you achieve your ambitions for the next 12 months.

Help us identify your particular opportunities and challenges, as well as the areas we need to improve as a key support to your club. We are committed to improving our offering to clubs, so are asking for honest feedback. We make a promise that all answers will be treated confidentially. 

Your answers will shape the programs we want to deliver nationwide. Please share where you are at, and where you want to be, so that we can help.

Thanks for your time in advance,

Beck Hamilton - CEO Judo Australia

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