
From The Board

Published Mon 13 Nov 2023

In this communication we will talk about:

  • Judo Australia’s increase in Capitation Fee’s
  • Club Forum
  • Expectations around identified criminal behaviour.
  • Recognition
  • Expanding Socials

In the next communication we discuss:

  • Respectful Practices and Lawful Obligations
  • Release of discussion paper and reform

Dear Life Members, Member Clubs and Members

Regretfully Judo has not escaped the inflationary pressures in our current economy, and the increasing input costs faced by business and not for profit organisations like ours.

We ask you to disregard any communication suggesting the increase in fees that has occurred since 1 November 2023 is a mistake, it is not.

Revolutionise has updated in line with the increases imposed by Judo Australia, which a lot of people were aware was occurring, but no official communication has been provided to you, our membership.

Judo Australia has increased its fees by $60 per member, comprising $40 Capitation, $15 Insurance and $5 for the Marketing Fund.

Our communication on this has not been satisfactory, and member clubs have not been afforded time to adjust.

To that end we will now afford you all two-months’ notice of this change and offset the extra $60 dollars that renewing members have to pay for those that have renewed since the increase occurred 1 November 2023, and for those that are required to renew up to and inclusive of 12 January 2024.

We ask those required to renew (from 1 November 2023 to 12 January 2024) to pay the full amount as notified and we will refund $60. We are aware of who will be eligible and will make contact with them. For those required to make payment in that period, and you do not hear from us in a couple of weeks, please email the following:

Further, we advise there are three Directors of Judo SA who are directly affected by this, but they will not receive the $60 refund.

We can also advise that Judo Australia will be limiting any future increases to CPI.

Knowing the cost-of-living pressures, and the impact the extra $60 will mean for many of our members, JudoSA will not be increasing its component of the membership fees for this financial year and will manage the offset through cost savings.

One of these is using technology to conduct meetings as opposed to relying on venue hire.

The Club Forum that is promoted on our Website as occurring on 3 December 2023 at the Lights Community Centre will be converted to online, making it also more inclusive for our regional clubs. Further, it will be pushed back until early February 2024 to allow preparation work following YourSay to finish and be distributed, and to allow time for the reform discussion paper to be distributed and digested.

We are also hoping that we can onboard further volunteer resources leading up to February to build necessary capacity.

Following the announcement of our Presidents resignation, it was greeted by comments on our Facebook post, which now has a far reaching audience, that raised a number of concerns for any contemporary organisation. The first will be addressed in this communication, the balance around respectful work places and the welfare of our volunteers will be addressed through an awareness and education exercise in the communication to follow, including raising the awareness of our members as to the lawful expectations, which we will be assisted by advice provided by Judo Australia.

On the first matter it is suggested the current board is aware that hard evidence indicating that clubs and life members were involved in fraudulent voting at the 2022 AGM exists, and have done nothing to sanction those involved.

We can advise the Board is aware of hearsay around the existence of unnamed people, who inturn are alledgely in possession of knowledge there was fraudulent activity, but the Board is not in possession of any evidence, nor has any actual witness to the alledged fraud been identified and come forward to discuss the matter.  We chose our words carefully as to suggest any person has committed a wrong doing can be considered deflametary.

It is the expectation in any contemporary organisation that any person who is aware of fraudulent and other criminal activities, especially if they have evidence to that effect, that they must report it to the authorities who will take action and investigate the matter utilising their powers to do so, none of which the Board possess. To not take action would be a breach of your code of conduct, and in many instances you will be failing your lawful obligation.

To not act on evidence of criminal behaviour amounts to condoning it and the Board strongly requests members that all such matters be reported to the relevant authority for them to take action.

Another avenue is to address the matter with Sports Integrity Australia at

Should the Board be presented something that is substantive, it will assist those that provide it to progress the matter in the appropriate manner with the relevant authorities.

We have also been working on material to allow us to post on our socials recognition of individuals, including club volunteers, that aims to also promote Judo as a sport to take up and generate activity for our member clubs.

So, member clubs, if you have people to put forward to be celebrated, send through good quality pictures and some written material around their achievements, and JudoSA will do the rest. Please send that through to:

On that front we have expanded into other Social Media platforms including TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn to begin the journey to broaden our demographic reach to the benefit of our member clubs and Judo in South Australia.

Talk again soon.

Yours In Judo

The Board

Judo Moral Code: Courtesy, Courage, Friendship, Honesty, Honour, Modesty, Respect and Self-Control.

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