
From The Board 22.07.2024 ed

Published Mon 22 Jul 2024

In this communication we will talk about:

  • VALE Perce Drummond : 11 July 2024, age 82 years. To be farewelled on Thursday 25th July at 12:30pm at Taylor and Forges Funeral Home, 15 Cowan St, Gawler.
  • Strategic (Club) Forum | Sat 27 July 2024 from 1pm to 4pm
  • State of Sport in Australia and Direction for Judo in SA
  • Shane Alvisio, Head of Judo Operations | Judo Australia – In SA         


Dear Life Members, Member Clubs and Members


VALE  Perce Drummond : 11 July 2024, age 82 years.

It is with deep sadness we advise of the passing of Judo SA's Life Member Perce Drummond.

Perce was a key figure in standing up the University of South Australia Judo Club, coaching at the Adelaide East, Mawson Lakes and Gawler campuses.

Previous to that he was state coach for many years for Judo SA training and coaching at Western Youth Centre Judo Club.

Following his time as a coach for UniSA Perce branched out to form Gawler Judo Club Inc.

For those that were coached by Perce, or trained with him, you will remember his love for all things Judo and recall he was well liked by all that knew him and a wonderful Judoka.

Our deepest condolences go out to Jennifer (life member), Michael and Joanne, family, and his judo family at Gawler Judo Club, during this sad time.

We also advise members that Perce will be farewelled on Thursday 25th July at 12:30pm at Taylor and Forges Funeral Home, 15 Cowan St, Gawler.

Messages can be left on the following facebook post:


Strategic (Club) Forum

Club Administrators, as previously indicated the Strategic Forum of JudoSA has been set down for Saturday 27 July 2024, from 1pm to 4pm and will be conducted online.

If you wish for your club to have a voice, please provide Mim at with your two nominations and their e-mail address so they can receive their meeting request.

The draft agenda can be found here along with other information:


State of Sport in Australia and Direction for Judo in SA

Since September last year we have been focused (at the strategic level) on delivering a series of structural reforms, and bringing to the member clubs a proposition to reform the governance of JudoSA and the manner in which Directors are elected and the Office Holders determined.  This also included addressing issues such as gender diversity on the Board.

Given the more recent change in the sporting environment we operate in, we have had to pivot, much like every other jurisdiction, and fall in behind Judo Australia as part of a national agenda.

This change will flavour this Saturday’s strategic forum.

You will note by looking at the draft Agenda Bec Hamilton, CEO of Judo Australia, will be participating in the session.


The answer to that question lies in the manner in which sports will be funded in Australia moving forward, where in the Weekend Australian on 20 July 2024 at page 23 it states, “sports finances in dire straits.”

All sports are facing the same financial challenges moving forward as it relates to government support, being even more painful for minority sports such as judo.

Further, the way in which Government is seeing sport is changing, with a distinct shift from high performance pathways to participation.

Bec was invited by the Australian Sports Commission to assist in developing Play Well, the new participation strategy for sport in Australia, which is being embraced across the sporting spectrum with sports finding ways to make sport inclusive and to increase participation.

Play Well (everyone has a place in sport) is  Australia’s sport participation strategy and more information can be found here: and

The process of introducing Play Well to Judo started in April when the Judo Australia Board endorsed the direction and created a plan to move forward with a National Co-Designed process with Judo Sate and Territories.

I can advise that all State and Territory Boards have committed to having an overarching strategy led by the Australian Sports Commission, where it is considered that a plan purely focused on Participation in Judo will inspire, unite and bring together clubs across Australia.

Not one club or person has the solution, but there is one thing that the best judo business minds agree on, is that unless ways to increase participation is not developed and promoted at the club grass roots level then Judo has a limited future, as does the pathway initiatives.

As Bec says, “this is not Judo Australia’s participation plan, this is the Judo in Australia participation plan.”

On the 14 and 15 July all the associations and Judo Australia meet in an initial planning session that lead to the formulation of a draft vision and mission statement as follows:


Everyone has a place in Judo


Inspired by the Judo Moral Code, we create safe, welcoming, inclusive and fun experiences

This Saturdays strategy session will be looking to add value to the national planning that is occurring, and not to seek an alternative and unsupported path.  It will also look to capture and address the local concerns and issues.


Shane Alvisio, Head of Judo Operations | Judo Australia – In SA

Shane is now in SA visiting clubs and assisting in the sharing of knowledge and gathering a better understanding of how clubs operate across Australia.  This will all play a part in formulising the Play Well strategy for Judo in Australia.

Judo SA is proud to support this visit to the benefit of all our members.

Shane will be participating in the No Cost |Judo Coach Practical Day |CAF | National Coaching Accreditation, both the Metro Day on Sunday 28 July 2024 and Regional Day on Wednesday 31 July 2024

Details, location and schedule for both days can be found here:


Yours In Judo

The Board

Judo Moral Code: Courtesy, Courage, Friendship, Honesty, Honour, Modesty, Respect and Self-Control.

We Support