
From The Board | 16.06.2024 ed

Published Sun 16 Jun 2024

In this communication we will talk about:

  • A word to our Life Members
  • Judo SA News | Club Forum for July
  • Shane Alvisio, Head of Judo Operations | Judo Australia – In SA and looking to visit clubs
  • Olympic Siver Medallist & World Campion in Adelaide
  • Recent Dan Gradings
  • National Championships 2024
  • National Medallist Series - Shiai
  • Kata is all Gold
  • Face in the Nationals Crowd
  • Volunteers for the Winter Championship
  • Your Action Items:
  1.  Winter Championships 2024 | Sat 22 June 2024
  2.  No Cost |Judo Coach Practical Day |CAF | National Coaching Accreditation | Sun 28 July 2024
  3.  2024 National Club Teams Championship | Judo Australia | 18-20 October, Bendigo VIC
  4.  2024 Adelaide International Open (AIO) | 24 August 2024

Dear Life Members, Member Clubs and Members

We hope you enjoyed the posts on our socials that were coming out of the National Championships. Not to rub it in but the weather was perfect and there was a plethora of quality judo on display at the Gold Coast Sport & Leisure Centre in Carrara.

Perhaps you can make the journey next year?

A couple that did make the trip were two of our life members Heather and Trevor Kschammer, who are also life members of Judo Australia (Trevor #23 and Heather #25).  Both presented medals. We understand the next stop following the Nationals was a stay at Coffs Harbour, before making their way back to SA at some point. Safe travels Heather and Trevor and we look forward to seeing you back in Adelaide at the AIO.


We managed to capture Trevor on the stage


A word to our Life Members

This year at the Adelaide International Open (AIO) on the 24 August 2024 we will be inviting our life members to attend and enjoy the VIP lunch that will be on offer at no cost.


JudoSA News

While the Board has made meaningful investment in supporting our State Team Coaches and Team manager to open up the shiai pathway for our athletes, there has been support provided to regional judo through supporting the State Titles at Port Augusta in 2024 and putting on a training camp with the State Team Coaches at no cost to our members.

We continue to make available the signage grant of up to $500 to all member clubs upon request and completion of the application.

Budget has been made available to Events to provide a new look media board, and other signage, to give our competitions a more polished look.

It is a strategic pillar to develop our coaches in the State, and as a consequence we have allocated money to make available the national coaching accreditation on 28 July 2024 at no cost to our members. Further, the Board has approved a restructure of the Coaching sub-committee to remove all State Team responsibilities from the committee so they can focus solely on ‘coaching’ in SA.

The State Team, and pathways for our shiai athletes, will become the focus of its own committee. What this will look like will be put out for consultation with the membership. There will be direct alignment with Judo Australia, following months of building this relationship.

There is an allocation to support Kata as a pathway, which still requires work to put together a suitable framework before any money is expended.

Another pathway which will become the focus of much attention is that of becoming a referee, with the objective of having SA referees at the Brisbane Olympics.  At the last Board meeting money has been allocated for initiatives in that space.

We acknowledge that more work needs to be done in the adaptive judo space, and we will begin to explore this further.

The Board has been advised that JudoSA mats will need to be replaced in 2030, and this will need to be planned for. We continue to maintain a $40k term deposit which is a good start.

Now that the Nationals are behind us we will look to set down the Club Forum for a time in July.


Shane Alvisio, Head of Judo Operations | Judo Australia – In SA and looking to visit clubs

We a bringing Shane to SA to present at the  Judo Practical day on 28 July 2024:

He will be in South Australia and would like to visit and participate with as many clubs as possible that he has not visited before. Club Coach/Administrator if you would like Shane to visit please send your EOI to


JA President, Simon Read and Shane Alvisio | picture credit: RC Sport Photography.


Olympic Siver Medallist & World Campion in Adelaide

Pinch yourself but it is true the Rock star of South Korean Judo, Gu-Ham Cho, is visiting Adelaide 19-23 August 2024 in a week that will blow your judo mind. Read the news post for more:

Recent Dan Gradings

On 18 May 2024 we had Hannah Bradbury (Kazoku Judokan) obtain her Sho Dan, and Will McPartland (AUJC) his Ni Dan, by the same Judo SA panel.  Feedback indicated the standard was high.



Also on 07 June 2024 Meera Verma obtained her Go Dan at the nationals before a Judo Australia panel.



Congratulations to you all.



National Championships 2024

The national championship’s is now in the rear mirror and our athletes will now be reflecting on areas of improvement and turning their mind to 2025. For some their will be a little regret that things did not go their way on the day, but regardless we are proud of all our athletes who were brave enough to enter the arena and determined enough to devote so much time and commitment to their preparation.

Plenty of courage, support for each other and sportsmanship shown 7-10 June. Well done to you all. 

A full list of our 2024 state team athletes is here:

Thank you to our State Team coaches Amy and Jim who worked hard with our athletes in the lead up, supporting and motivating them to achieve better. Assisting our coaches was Steve and James, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. If you wish to leave a message for the coaching team visit the FB post:

Team manager Simon was the glue that kept it all together. Great work.  If you want to leave a thank you to Simon visit the FB post:

We now turn to our athletes who medalled at the nationals. Please find the honour board for our medallist here:

State Team 2024 Feedback

Please note that Simon has emailed the team a survey to complete


National Medallist Series - Shiai

To celebrate our shiai medallist at the 2024 Nationals we will be running over the coming weeks the National Medallist Series.

We have started off with Chris Selaru (Kazoku Judokan) our youngest national champion. Visit our FB post for more:


Kata is all Gold

See why Adelaide can regard itself a place of Kata excellence in Australia. Visit the news post at:


Face in the Nationals Crowd

Kayla Simes, daughter of Judo SA director Heather, started off 2024 with a bang medalling at the CIO and was on track to have a solid crack at the podium at the nationals until a mishap at gymnastics lead to an injury that put all things judo on hold.

The family still travelled to the Gold Coast and while at the nationals Kayla caught up with a couple of Olympian mates.



Volunteers for the Winter Championship

A message from our Events Committee Chair:

Hi all,
The 2024 Winter Championships is on 22 June at The Lights. Your help is needed to set up the area, which includes putting mats out from 8am. There are other roles such as photography, scoring, time keeping, mat marshal, judogi control and announcements (MC) from just before the event starts at 10am.
Training can be provided for scoring, time keeping, mat marshal and judogi control.
Photography will require your own camera capable of capturing fast motion indoors.
Please contact me if you can help and please pass on this email to others you may think would like to contribute to help JudoSA players gain valuable competition skills and experience by volunteering at this and other events.


Roman Zeitz
Judo SA Events Chair
M: 0404 222 161


Your Action Items

  1. 2024 Winter Championships Is Coming, time to register. Details here:
  2. Prepare for the Judo Coach Practical Day |CAF | National Coaching Accreditation. NO COST. Details here:
  3. Prepare for the AIO on 24 August:
  4. Club administrators consider the 2024 National Club Teams Championship. Details here:


Yours In Judo

The Board

Judo Moral Code: Courtesy, Courage, Friendship, Honesty, Honour, Modesty, Respect and Self-Control.

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