
From The Board

Published Sun 17 Sep 2023

Time For Change & Starting The Hard Conversation

In this communication we will talk about:

In the next communication we discuss:

  • Board Liaison
  • Gender and Youth ambassador
  • Recognition



Dear Life Members, Member Clubs and Members


It is clear there is an underlying sentiment amongst the membership that Judo SA is not working, or could be better, and there should be change.

With the start of a new Board there is now the opportunity to explore this.

The Board agrees there needs to be change, but effective change starts with an open and honest conversation, with people having the courage and desire to open up, share their views and ideas and to listen.

You can share what change may look like for you? What needs fixing? What and who is making it fail, or making it work? Where the opportunities and what will help you? What will assist the membership club, attract and retain new members? Nothing is off the table.

For many people such a conversation is hard to have and hard to listen to, but it is needed.

It is time for your say, your way, and every person now has the opportunity to express themselves by e-mailing:

If you want to make it anonymous write to:

Postal Address
PO Box 343
Prospect, SA 5082

Your initial say is open until the end of Sunday 01 October 2023, then there will be a response (a conversation goes both ways) not to individuals but in further correspondence from the Board to all members.

Once we move through the conversation, we will commence the strategic planning that will involve input from all member clubs, then undertake the change journey together.

To make our social media channels more vibrant an inclusive, and appealing to potential new Judo participants, each member club can feel free to provide photos and written material that can be included in a newsletter style format or social media post to recognise and raise awareness of your people, your events and your community.

Bringing material to the attention of a volunteer run organisation like JudoSA, will assist in making all our member clubs connected and aware of what is occurring.

Your contribution can be sent to:


Yours in Judo

The Board of JudoSA

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