
Attention Club Coaches | Information Regarding State Team and EOI

Published Mon 04 Mar 2024

Dear Coaches, 

As you should be aware, the Australian National Championships are being held on the Gold Coast from 7-10 June 2024. 

Amy Brown and Jim Bradbury have been announced as our State Team coaches, with training due to commence tomorrow Tuesday 5th March. Please see the training requirements and schedule attached for you to circulate amongst your members. 

The National Championships are a fantastic testing ground to see where our Judoka sit against the others in the State, over a number of divisions. It is also a great step forward for those young athletes who have aspirations to compete at the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games.

Judoka must be a minimum of turning 9 yrs old this calendar year to be eligible to compete. The categories that Judoka can compete in are: 

  • Shiai - Junior boys and girls, Cadet men and women, Junior Men and Women, Senior Men and Women 
  • Kyu Grades
  • Veterans 
  • Kata
  • Adaptive Judo 

We ask that if you have any Judoka interested in joining the State Team, you provide them with a copy of the attached Expression of Interest to complete and return as soon as possible, but no later than 5pm Sunday 10th March. 

Judoka who are not interested in competing at the National Championships this year but perhaps are interested in competing in the future, are of course more than welcome to attend State Training. 

If you have any questions regarding the National Championships, the State Team, the training schedule or requirements, please get in touch with either Amy or Jim. 

  • Amy - 0434 937 731,
  • Jim - 0414 354 861, 


State Team Manager


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