
AIO - Time to make some noise at the Lights

Published Mon 02 Oct 2023

Dear Life Members’, Member Clubs and Members


It is not long now.

On Sunday 15 October 2023 South Australia's premier Judo event, the Adelaide International Open (AIO), goes live and as part of the National Event Series South Australia gets the opportunity to showcase our hospitality, our judoka and this State to a number of interstate competitors and their support group.

Having a vibrant AIO, that is well supported by our member clubs, is an important piece of moving Judo forward in this State and advancing our reputation. It demonstrates a pathway for our young Judoka to something bigger, and their success acts as a beacon to attracting people to the sport and retaining people in the sport to all our benefits.

A strong local shiai competition also opens other pathways to the international stage, such as providing an environment to allow our referees and judges to gain relevant experience and to grow.

A competition that hums also opens the door to Kata.

In the end our events, and especially the AIO, then becomes something that is marketable to potential sponsors, and an event that we can look to invite special guests and people of influence to that broadens our exposure and reach of the sport in the State. That possibility is close, but making something great for that to work starts now.

There is still time to register your judoka for the event, or to give them the support and confidence to do so.

If you cannot compete, come along to support those that can.

We are all passionate about our Judo, lets show people why, and it is time to make some noise at the Lights.

Yours in Judo



#onestepcloser with @judoaustralia

PS Don't forget the AMG




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