JUDO NSW - Kata Judging Workshop - KDK Goshin Jutsu


Sun 15 May 2022 10:00 — 12:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Please join the Judo NSW online and multimedia Workshop for Kata Judges on KDK Goshin Jutsu. This workshop follows the previously held workshops for Nage no Kata, Katame no Kata, and Ju no Kata.  Key points of Kata judging will be discussed regarding Forgotten/Major, Big, Medium, and Small Mistakes as they apply to KDK Goshin Jutsu. The workshop is interactive with participants not only asking questions, but add their own judging experience to benefit all who attend.

While the attendance to this workshop is important to Judo NSW Kata Judges, all JA and OJU members are welcome to attend.  Kata competitors will also find the workshop beneficial in understanding how Kata judges judge their performances.

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