Code Of Conduct


-Be a positive role model for softball at all times and value the individual. 

-Participate within the competition conditions and rules and spirit of fair play. 

-Accept victory and defeat with dignity.

-Comply with the umpire's decision in a professional and respectful manner. 

-Respect the rights, dignity, and worth of all people and refrain from any derogatory or discriminatory practices against any person. 

-Be professional in your appearance & manner, and accept responsibility for your actions. 

-Refrain from any form of sexual harassment towards anyone. This refers to explicit, implicit, verbal, or non-verbal harassment. 

-Do not undertake acts of aggression or use explicit language. 

-Refrain from engaging in any behavior that is in breach of Softballs Australia's member protection policy. 

-Respect and obey the zero-tolerance policy as detailed in Softball Victoria's By-Laws. 

I the Player / Parent / Guardian agree to abide by the Code of Conduct listed above and agree to indemnify Jackson Panthers Softball Club and its appointed representatives from any claims arising out of personal accident or property damage while I am / we are a member of the club. 

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