Summer Comp


Click HERE to nominate your team!

If you are wanting to play Summer Comp but currently don't have a team, click Here to register and we will find a team for you.

To participate in our Summer Competitions, you MUST be registered with Hockey Queensland.  This is to ensure all participants are covered by insurance.

  • If you were registered with Ipswich for the outdoor winter season, you are automatically registered and able to participate in Summer Comp.
  • If you WERE NOT registered for the winter season, click the link below to register with HQ.
  • If you were registered with another Association for the outdoor winter season, you must register with Ipswich Hockey to play in the Summer Comp.  No payment will be required as your winter HQ registration will carry over.  Click the link below and select Returning Member to register for Summer Comp.

Registration & Insurance costs (for new members):  Seniors $75.11     Juniors (18 & Under) $50.01

Click HERE if you need to register

Click HERE to view the structure & rules as well as other inportant information

Key Dates:

  • Team Nominations Open Wednesday 11th September 2024
  • Team Nominations Close Friday 27th September 2024
  • Summer Comp starts week beginning 7th October 2024

Team Cost:

Senior Teams - $300

First $100 due before 30th September 2024
Balance $200 due before 4th November 2025 (Week 5)

Primary and Secondary (U18) Teams - $200

First $100 due before 30th September 2024
Balance $100 due before 4th November 2025 (Week 5)


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