Ipswich Men's Masters Nominations 34-59

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Nominations are now open for the Ipswich 34-49 and 50+ teams to attend the Hockey Queensland Mens Masters State Championships at the the Gold Coast Hockey Centre

Hopefully we will have enough nominations for two teams in each age group

Travelling To:

Gold Coast 

Teams Travelling by:

Own Transport must be arranged.


Own accomodation must be arranged

Coach and Manager Details:


Coach: TBA

Manager: TBA


Coach: TBA

Manager: TBA

Uniform (available from the Tridan Shed)

Playing Shirts provided

Shorts $30

Socks Green pair & Gold pair $10 each

Walkout Shirt (Optional) $30

Jacket (Optional) $55

Hoodie (Optional) $55

Each team/age group is welcome to do as much fundraising as they want to reduce costs.

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