Coaching with Confidence - Brady Walmsley


Wed 09 Mar 2022 19:00 — 20:30
Online via Zoom

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Coaching can be a daunting task, whether you are a seasoned operator, or just beginning your coaching journey. The most successful coaches are those who are confident in both themselves, and the service or product they are delivering. Self-confidence is an ever-developing skill in the coaching game.

Brady Walmsley – General Manager Ipswich Basketball Association – has both coached and worked in a wide-variety of settings: from being a humble “Dance Dad” to coaching in High Performance Basketball, working in Management positions in the government sector, and running his own business, confidence has been a key pillar to his success.

Brady will hopefully provide you experiences and examples of skills to enhance your self-confidence, and it is hoped that you will take away some valuable learnings about the importance of coaching confidently.

Bring questions, thoughts and opinions and pick the brain of a highly classy, and confident operator.


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