Ipswich Men's Masters Nominations 34-59

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Nominations are now open for the Ipswich 34-49 and 50+ teams to attend the Hockey Queensland Mens Masters State Championships in Rockhampton

Travelling To:


Teams Travelling by:

Own Transport must be arranged.


Own accomodation must be arranged

Coach and Manager Details:


Coach: TBA

Manager: TBA


Coach: TBA

Manager: TBA

Uniform (available from the Tridan Shed)

Playing Shirts provided

Shorts $30

Socks Green pair & Gold pair $10 each

Walkout Shirt (Optional) $30

Jacket (Optional) $55

Hoodie (Optional) $55

Each team/age group is welcome to do as much fundraising as they want to reduce costs.

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