Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Day: Friday
Time: 6pm
Age Groups: Tiny Tots (3-4 year olds), 6s - Under 20s
Location: St Lukes Oval, Concord
Track: Grass

Registration Fees

Tiny Tots $140

6s to 19s $190


The following age groups are now FULL.

6s (born in 2019) Girls and Boys

7s (born in 2018) Girls and Boys

8s (born in 2017) Girls and Boys

9s (born in 2016) Girls and Boys

10s (born in 2015) Girls and Boys

11s (born in 2014) Girls and Boys

***** Please do not enter a false date of birth. If you choose to do this, you will not be eligible for a refund if the correct age group is full. *****

Due to the change in the registration platform to Revolutionise Sport for all athletes, if you have previously been a dual-registered (ANSW) athlete and have a National ID, please register for this season as a ‘RETURNING MEMBER’.

If you are new to the sport or have previously registered for Little Athletics only, please register as a ‘NEW MEMBER’

For more information please visit our website

Inner West Little Athletics Website

If you are already a member of a Senior Athletics club, you can obtain membership at the Inner West Little Athletics Centre for a centre fee of $30. However, please complete the NSW Athletics Multi Club Membership Application form provided below:

 Multi Club Membership Application (